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All three of them, Maria, Luis and Carlos, were now walking through the forest that was just outside their small town. Luis had driven them in his pickup until the road dirt ended, then after parking the truck, to Maria's disgust, they continued with their trip on foot. Maria knew exactly where the were going, she had been there before, it was a clearing in the forest were someone from the town had put up targets for shooting. Every body in the town, as well as surrounding towns, knew about this place and utilized it for shooting practice. The good thing for Maria was that they didn't have to walk for a long time, 15 minute walk at most, the bad part was that Maria was dreading to get there.

"I love the look on your face" Said Luis to Maria, laughing at her. "Its not going to be that bad. I don't understand why you are so weary of guns."

"I am not afraid of guns," stated Maria firmly "I am afraid of me holding a gun. I am not exactly the most agile person, I tend to be clumsy and panicky. I am afraid of doing something stupid in a moment of panic." Luis and Carlos smiled at her, they could see her point and knew she was right.

"Don't worry," said Luis with out giving up "you will end up liking it, it is fun."

Luis had brought a couple of guns, as Maria didn't know much about guns, she wasn't able to tell what kind they were, she just knew that they one they gave her was the smallest one of the two. The other one was being used by Carlos who was happily shooting at a target while Luis explained to Maria little things about her gun, how to hold it safely and properly, where was the security lock , where the bullets and the magazine were, as well as other beginners information. It was a 22 caliber, she knew as much, and that was because she was told so by Luis. To her surprise it was a small, light weight gun, it seemed that Luis had really thought about her needs, she had been stupidly expecting a big monstrous thing.

"Hold it firmly with both hands," was instructing Luis as he placed Maria's hands around the gun "when you push the trigger it's going to jerk back if you don't hold it firmly." Maria's heart was beating fast, Carlos had stopped shooting and was now looking at her. Luis was by her right side as he instructed her. "This hand it's a little too high" he told her pointing to her right hand, "as the gun ejects the cartridge it may pinch your hand." Maria lowered her grip. "I think you are ready, don't be scared."

Maria shot the gun, and to her surprise the world did not come to end when she did so. Only the first time was emotionally and mentally hard for her to shoot the gun, after that she was more relaxed and seemed to be ready to shoot the gun again. Luis had been right, it was actually fun to shoot the gun. Both Luis and Carlos continued with their instructions to Maria as she continued to shoot. After a while, her fingers started to hurt, and Maria sat down on top of a tree trunk while Luis and Carlos took turn shooting the other gun.

"Okay," said Carlos suddenly, as he saw Maria's expression, she seemed to be bored. "I think we had enough. Let's go."

After collecting their belongings the three friends walked back to the truck and then drove back to the town. Maria was silent, holding Carlos' hand, her mind lost imagining different scenarios where she would have to shoot her step dad. About half an hour later, they arrived to town, Luis dropped Carlos and Maria by the plaza and left home to return the pickup telling his friends that he would be back later. Carlos took Maria to the small coffee shop that was across the street, ordered two coffees and bought a slice of cheesecake, then sat at a table that was placed outside the coffee shop.

It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, the sky was clear, and the birds were singing happily. The main street of the town was, now that the church service was over, full of life with people walking, entering the small shops or restaurants, or simply hanging around the plaza. Maria and Carlos chatted about anything and everything at the same time, occasionally saying hi to a friend or neighbor as they approached them when passing by. Every one seemed genuinely happy and unsurprised to find out that now Maria and Carlos were now officially dating, which made Maria happy and blush with shyness. Luz was the first of their group of friends to arrive and actually sit with them, not caring about giving them personal space. Minutes later the three friends decided to walk to their favorite spot at the plaza the one on the big steps.

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