1: my dad's sleeping inside!

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1: my dad's sleeping inside!

Athanasia's coronation ended just a few days ago. It had been quite a grand ceremony that would definitely go down history. Jennette still remembered the grand preparations with everyone looking forward to seeing the new crown princess in person.

She was proud of Athanasia; Jennette believed that her cousin deserved every love she received that day.

Things had calmed down ever since she and her father started living in Mieta, a harbor city that many merchants and tourists gather. The people of Mieta adored Jennette but of course, only Anastacius could see it at the side.

His daughter was like a soft ember flickering in the night, attracting moths every single time. She was like a flower that many butterflies and bees gather around, which grated on his nerves.

Could they not approach his daughter every single day like annoying funguses?

Although they have been living in Mieta for months already, Anastacius... had not made a single friend yet. Well, other than that old couple running a store where he and Jennette buy their food from.

How did one make friends again without having any ulterior motives? Anastacius had already forgotten.

But... there was this one girl around his daughter's age who talked to them on the first day they moved in Mieta. She had white curly hair with bluish tones, just like the clouds on a sunny day. Her eyes were a deep sea of gold. In his opinion, she didn't seem like a peasant girl at all.

Her name was Cordelia; no surname. She was a daughter who woke up early in the morning to gather water, cook breakfast, and, well, basically everything. One day, Anastacius asked her, "Where are your parents?"

Cordelia paused, surprised by the question, and instead of feeling offended, this girl smiled and even introduced her father with pride. "I don't have a mother but I have a really, really smart dad! No one in the entire harbor could match wits with him! You know, even foreigners have to bow down in front of my dad's genius!"

If she had a tail, it would have already beem wagging with how much she praised her father. "Oh," she had added. "My dad's sleeping inside!"

"..." From what Anastacius recalled at that time, he had never once seen Cordelia's father at all. Did that mean... he was letting his sole child do all the work?

In that moment, he wondered just what kind of trash father did Cordelia have. How could she even bear to live with that kind of person?

But it was none of his business.

And neither did Cordelia look miserable with her life.

Besides, as long as nothing happens to Jennette, Anastacius couldn't be bothered to do anything



"Jennette!" Cordelia waved both her arms in the air, calling for a familiar girl walking along the market street. She caught up with Jennette, instantly holding the other girl's hand. The brunette smiled and squeezed Cordelia's hand back.

"Delia, you seem to be in a better mood today."

"Uh-huh," the golden eyed girl nodded before looping her arm around her friend's. "You see, there's this foreigner who said that he would come back with a world champion to compete with dad in chess. The last time that nobleman came here, he miserably lost to dad."

Pride glistened in her eyes as Cordelia puffed her chest out. "Dad's like, the smartest person I've ever met! I've never seem him lose in anything before."

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