2: sincerity is attractive

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2: sincerity is attractive


That was the first thing Anastacius sensed as he sat across Nereus in the living room. His daughter Jennette said to make friends with Cordelia's father but this person before him seemed... difficult to get along.

"Uh, Sir Nereus," he started the conversation with an awkward tone. "Thank you, for having us over for dinner."

"It's my pleasure," said Nereus with a smile. "I've heard all the thing you've done for my Little Lia and I'm thankful for that."

Now, this was another thing that puzzled Anastacius. Nereus seemed to love his daughter with all his heart yet Cordelia did all the work in the house. Be it buying groceries, lifting a cart filled of fruits back home, or fixing the roof; Cordelia did it all.

Anastacius wasn't looking down on Cordelia at all. It just appeared odd that someone as healthy and loving as Nereus wouldn't lend his own daughter a hand with all that work.

Fortunately, dinner wasn't awkward at all thanks to Cordelia.

Sitting side by side, it became more obvious that Cordelia's personality must have come from her mother. Nereus had a calm disposition; despite Cordelia's exaggerated movements beside him, her father remained unbothered. If a glass was about to fall, Nereus would catch it without even looking.

Jennette was impressed.

Anastacius was not.

The more he remained in this house, the more he noticed something... out of place.

This city might have been near the harbor and most citizens have locals ever since the founding of Mieta but they weren't like Nereus and his daughter who had aquariums everywhere. They weren't big, just enough to fit in an adult hand.

When Jennette asked about them, it was Cordelia who answered with, "Those? Dad feels more at ease near water so we have them everywhere."

But in Anastacius's opinion, why not just head to the sea?

Why did he have to stay inside the house?

The sea was just a few minutes away on carriage and half an hour on foot.

Then again, it wasn't his business.

"Sir Nereus! Sir Nereus!" The ongoing conversations at the dinner table came to a halt when someone came calling for Nereus.

Cordelia glanced at her father, a worried look painting her face. Anastacius noticed this and wondered why would she be concerned.

Nereus smiled apologetically at Anastacius and Jennette. "It seems like I wouldn't be able to entertain you guys. Little Lia—" he turned to face his daughter. "— you know what to do, right?"

"Dad, yes, dad!" Cordelia saluted.

Once Nereus left, Jennette shot her friend a curious glance. "Where's your father heading to, Delia?"

"Dad's just going to handle a local problem; don't worry about it! He'll be back in no time if nothing odd happens."

Anastacius and Jennette shared a glance but didn't pry any further.



A foot sunk into the white sand.

The full moon that night shone down upon that figure approaching the tumultuous sea.

Once that figure was knee-deep into the water, he bent down and let his hand submerge; the cold biting down on his skin. There was no one else near the sea, everyone already inside their homes to hide.

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