6: a stupid smile

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6: a stupid smile

Months passed since that one certain evening.

Anastacius had adapted completely to this simple life with his daughter. Before, he could not even imagine himself partaking in such things he once deemed as meaningless. Every morning, he would wake up before the sun rises.

Salty yet fresh scent of the sea wafted throughout the city, reminding Anastacius that his life no longer involved any sort of schemes. The peaceful days felt surreal. Sometimes, everything seemed like a dream. Each day, Anastacius was afraid that all this was just something his mind conjured up.

Something to fool himself with that the nightmare ended.

Before bed, he would overthink.

Was everything real?

Was he truly living with his daughter, learning how to be a genuine family?

The mundane days ahead of them soothed his anxious heart.

Most of his life, he lived it fighting schemes with schemes. He could not afford to lose nor could he afford to show a bit of weakness. Anastacius refused to be a pawn, yet in the end, he succumbed to the deepest part of himself and became a puppet.

Claude was hurt.

That little brother he used to dote on.

Although he wanted to reconcile, there was a part of himself that felt too ashamed to do so. Once upon a time, when he first saw his newborn baby brother, he once swore that he would protect that child under his wings from the changing weathers.

That child would grow up pampered and spoiled, and he would never have to suffer in the royal family.

However, Anastacius failed.

So, this time, he swore upon his life that he would cherish his daughter. Then again, how was he supposed to do that? He knew nothing of family nor looking after someone else.

... should he ask Nereus?

After thinking about it, he shook his head. That guy who didn't even step out of his house had no right to give him advice on how to raise a daughter. Maybe he should ask Cordelia instead? After all, the girl was around the same age as Jennette and she seemed to have taken a liking to his daughter.

The two girls spent time together from morning until dusk, strolling around the city. And ever since that night he found Nereus at the shore, Cordelia and Jennette often played near the sea. Sometimes, Anastacius felt like he would have a heart attack whenever he sees his daughter and Cordelia rowing a boat together.

They would often go near the reefs, watching the underwater life through the crystal clear water.

Most of the time, an image of the two of them falling into the water crossed his mind.

He knew he was just making himself worry with that kind of thoughts but Anastacius could not control it. He already decided to treasure this daughter of his; her getting hurt terrified him more than him getting hurt.

Alas, he would never admit that out loud.

If, somehow, Claude came to know of his thoughts, that brat might mock him every time they see each other.

Childish, Anastacius thought with a fond look.

"Nereus! Nereus!"

A hurried, anxious call reached his ears, interrupting his thoughts. Anastacius paused from sweeping the floor, surprised that someone was calling for Nereus in an urgent manner so early in the morning. A hand lifted the curtain slightly, revealing a figure rushing pass the window and towards Nereus' house.

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