9: calyx wants to be tall, too!

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9: calyx wants to be tall, too!
Alt. Title: calyx deludes himself by thinking that everyone was just too tall so that he could believe that he was taller than he really was

Lucas prided himself with his powerful magic.

With no one other than the royal family who could possibly surpass him, Lucas was confident that there was no one else who has the capability to beat him.

But as he stayed trapped in this bubble, he had to reevaluate the man before him. Even he himself had never seen a merfolk before. The only reason he could tell was due to the artefact hidden in his tower. It was an item made by the merpeople many, many years ago. The mana it held still brimmed vibrantly.

And the mana of that man resembled it about ninety percent.

He wasn't sure about that girl Cordelia at first, since the resemblance wasn't obvious.

But now that he met Cordelia's father, he was one hundred percent certain that this pair of father and child were merpeople.

And so, he grumbled inside, his voice unable to permeate through this aesthetic cage.

Meanwhile, Anastacius was trying to divert everyone's attention from what Lucas had just said — that scummy magician and his big mouth! — but he was obviously failing.

Fortunately, the others were sensible enough and didn't bring it up while his gullible daughter believed everything he said. Sometimes, Anastacius' daughter's easy to fool personality could come in handy. He silently apologize for lying to Jennette though.

"Delia, let's show Athy around!" Jennette spoke up when she noticed the awkward atmosphere enveloping the group. Calyx, who sighed in relief, readily agreed to her suggestion. The two of them, Athy, Felix, and Lucas — who was finally released from the bubble while receiving a warning look from Nereus — left the house.

This left Claude standing at the doorway all on his own.

"..." He opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but Anastacius glanced at him with a look that said say anything and I'll kick you out. Thus, Claude obediently closed his mouth and silently entered the house.

On the other hand, Nereus felt a bit confused.

Weren't these people Anastacius' guests?

Why were they at his house instead?



"— and that's where Granny Ellie sells her handmade necklaces. There's other accessories, too, so you can look at them if you want, Athy!"

No matter how friendly he was being, no matter how girlish he was acting; Calyx felt a heated gaze burning a hole in the back of his head. It must be that beanpole! A trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Why wasn't he as tall as Lucas?!

Calyx lead the group with a huff. Jennette shot him a look of confusion but since he didn't say anything, she didn't pry. Behind them, Felix saw this subtle interaction and couldn't help but smile a little. Athy giggled at the back, finding both Calyx and Jennette cute.

Of course, Lucas glanced at the girl beside him with an aggrieved look. Why was she focused on Calyx? Lucas, this beanpole, subconsciously ignored the fact that Athy was looking at Jennette as well.

"... what are you looking at me like that for?" Athy sensed someone staring at her and when her gaze shifted, she found Lucas staring at her direction. The way he looked like a drowned puppy almost made her laugh but she managed to restrain herself from doing so.

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