3: it looks a bit like you

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3: it looks a bit like you

Cordelia tugged on her dad's sleeve. "Dad, can you guess how what kind of honey this is?"

Currently, this two pairs of father-daughter arrived at Arcathain not long ago. The journey lasted two days and three nights and the first thing Cordelia did was drag her dad near a stall where a sign said Guess the Honey was displayed.

When they asked the owner of the stall what were the possible ways to inspect the honey, the only thing he said was to smell it.

Of course, this dissatisfied Anastacius. He might have been quite quite a wayward youth back in the early days but he wouldn't stoop this low to fool a genuine man. When he was about to haggle with the owner, Nereus stopped him.

"It's alright," this sincere man reassured him with a tilt of his lips. "The scent alone is enough."

Still, the frown on Anastacius' face deepened.

At the side, Jennette covered her mouth and silently giggled, sharing a look with Cordelia.

Nereus picked up the jar, took a quick sniff, and put it down. His eyes glistened as he dived into his thoughts. His deep concentration made the owner nervous while Anastacius was tempted to snitch him out for this unfair game.

Before he could, however, Nereus instantly said, "It's honey made from the Snow Bees of the Northern Mountain Ranges. Although its color resemble the honey made from ordinary bees, its scent has a distinctive difference from other honeys. It smells richer, has a thicker viscosity, and has a hint of a cinnamon smell."

The owner's jaw slackened in disbelief. The Snow Bees' Snow Honey was the most expensive honey in the continent. Other than the fact that harvesting Snow Honey was difficult, it also has medicinal properties that many doctors sought after. He didn't think that a man in Arcathain, which was hundreds of miles away from the Northern Mountain Ranges, would be able to figure it out!

It wasn't even a guess like he expected but the man stated it as a fact and even told him more than just its name!

At Nereus' side, Cordelia puffed her chest out in pride. "My dad's the smartest! You shouldn't be surprised that he'd win!"

The owner cracked a defeated smile. The prize for guessing it right... was the honey itself. He could already feel his pockets losing money. He planned on selling it to noblemen in major cities!

This group of father-daughters left with both girls eyeing the jar of honey with awe while Anastacius eyed Nereus with a baffled face. But when he realized that he was staring, he quickly shifted his gaze from the man.

"How... did you guess it, right?"

"Not guess," said Nereus as he handed the jar to his daughter. "Like I previously mentioned, Snow Honey has some distinction from ordinary honeys. Besides, I've encountered it before and I remembered its scent particularly well. It has a soothing effect, after all."

Anastacius hummed in response. He was a little surprised how Nereus could remember the smell of something like that. He himself wouldn't have been able to do same thing if someone asked him to.

They went around the plaza; Cordelia and Jennette buying some things along the way. Whenever Jennette hesitates if she should buy it or not, Cordelia would do it for her. Her dad Nereus would never refuse any of her request! No matter how unreasonable it may seem, as long as she said it, Nereus would have it done.

Anastacius noticed this unrestrained pampering of his daughter and he couldn't help but wonder where he even gets the money from. He wasn't discriminating but... just what kind of job did Nereus have for him to have that much on him?

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