The First Day

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You were woken up the next day by someone gently knocking on your door.

"Come in!" you said, as you lifted yourself from the bed. You were surprised to see Tamaki with Uraraka.

"Hi y/n, your friend wanted to check up on you, I ran into him outside as I was saying bye to Deku." she said happily
"I'll leave now, I have some work to do" she added, and then winked at you. Of course she doesn't, it's your day off, but she realized that Tamaki is the guy that you talked about.

Tamaki closed the door after her, and came closer to your bed. You moved a bit, and he sat at the edge of the bed.

"Do you feel better today?" he asked quietly

"My back is okay, but I feel terrible and probably look terrible too." you replied, which was followed by a sight

"I-I wouldn't agree with that. "

Did he just tell that I look good or that I don't look terrible?

" I'm not sure what you meant by that, but thanks." you said, as you chuckled

"I didn't mean it in a bad way, sorry"

"I know, I'm teasing you. No need to say sorry."

"I brought some strawberry mochi for you. If you're hungry I can get you something else too." Tamaki said, as he looked at the bag that he put on your nightstand.

"You bought me strawberry mochi? Thanks Tamaki-senpai!" you said happily
"I'm not hungry though, we can share it and then go to the flower field if you don't have other plans for today. Or maybe we can open up some snacks and watch cartoons on my laptop. Or maybe you'd like to do something particular?"

"I... I'd like you to stay in and watch cartoons with you. You shouldn't move around, especially not since you'll start your work studies tomorrow." he said

"Nejire told you that" you said with a pout

"Yeah, she told me that you'll go to Rykyu's agency with her and two of your friends."

"Okay. By the way, before we start, I'll quickly go to the bathroom to change and wash my face." you said, as you took one of your favorite shorts and a comfy t-shirt.

"Go ahead" he replied quietly, and then you rushed to the bathroom. You got ready quickly, then went back upstairs. Tamaki was waiting with your laptop on his lap.

"You like The Amazing World of Gumball?" he asked, because he saw it in your search history

"Yeah, that's one of my favorite shows." you replied. Then you sat next to him and opened up a bag of chips.

"I like that show too. Do you maybe want to watch it?"

"Of course!" you said, and then ate some chips. He turned to you and smiled at the sight of you, happily munching chips.

The two of you watched a few episodes of the show. It was nice, and both of you commented some dumb stuff and laughed. You never saw Tamaki so free, and you were happy that he was comfortable with you.

Soon he had to go because he stayed for a few hours already. He helped you with gathering the bags of snacks that you ate, and he even made your bed so that you don't have to bend your back.

"Good luck on your first day of work studies y/n" he said

"Thanks Tamaki-senpai" you replied with a big smile on your face. He returned the smile, and before he went through the door and closed them, he gave you a small wave. You waved back, and then he left.

Later on, Uraraka came to your room, super excited. She immediately started questioning you.

"Sooooo he's the guy that you told me about? I should've known!"

Butterfly - Tamaki X Fem Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now