I like you

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You were soon discharged because you didn't have any serious injuries. However, you didn't go back to your dorms. You couldn't. You needed to make sure that Tamaki will be okay. Even though they reassured you that he's not in a life threatening condition and that he should be okay in a day or two.

You were worried, because you literally had a dream of him dying.
You ran into the one of the nurses and asked about Tamaki's state. "Oh, he'll be fine. He has one bone in his face fractured, and few cuts and bruises and he's exausted and beated up, but he'll be fine, there won't  be any permanent damage. Are you y/n?" the nurse asked. "Yes, I'm y/n." you replied, mentally exhaling and doing a little dancy dance in your head, because you were happy that he's okay. "He was really worried about you and asked to get out and see you, but he's not allowed, so please go and see him, he's been freaking out since he gained consciousness." the nurse said, before she guided you to Tamaki's room.

You gently knocked three times, before you went in. His face immediately lit up when he saw you. You came closer and sat at the edge of his bed. He couldn't take his eyes off you, and was visibly excited to see you, even though he tried to hide it.

You took his hand in yours, and he couldn't hide his happiness anymore, so he quickly pulled you in his arms. He hugged you tightly, and you heard him sobbing.
You separated from him and took his face in your arms. "What's wrong? I'm okay, you shouldn't be crying." you told him
"I... I heard everything that you said...back at Hassaikai household when I was unconscious. But then I had a nightmare of you dying, it was horrible..." he said quietly. You wiped his tears gently, before you spoke. "But it's fine, I'm fine. You know,  I also had a nightmare of you dying. It was terrible, but I'm not crying because it didn't happen. You're safe." you said nicely, while you caressed his cheeks that slightly turned pink

"And also the nurse told me that you almost killed yourself by using too much stamina and overusing your quirk at the same time... What were you thinking?" He scolded you
"Oh come on, Aizawa, Nejire, Kirishima and Tsuyu already scolded me, now you too..." you said with a disappointment in your voice. "I wasn't thinking about myself, I was worried about you. I thought that I can lose you, so I freaked out. I lost my cool. The thought of you dying was circulating in my head and it was terrifying." you explained.

"Just... don't do that again. If you sacrifice yourself we wouldn't be able to go on our second date, you know... or any other date. So please promise me that you won't act recklessly again." he said, but in a bit more confident tone than usual.
You lifted your pinky up, and he crossed it with his, seeing that you went for the pinky promise.

"I promise." you said, while giving him a smile. He smiled back, then patted your head gently. His hand went from the top of your head down to your cheek, before taking your hand in his.

You stayed in for a while, before nurse and Recovery Girl came in to check him up.
Then you went outside because Uraraka and Tsuyu were waiting for you. You had to go and report everything to the police, before you finish off paperwork at Ryukyu's


You later went back to your dorm. Finally.
You missed everyone, even grumpy Bakugo. It felt like you were absent for a month or so.
After you had a short convo with your friends, you went upstairs to your room and called Kendo to let her know that you came back safe. After that, you texted Tamaki. He was on his way back to the dorms. The only one who wasn't discharged yet was Mirio.

Tamaki asked to see you before he gets back to his dorm, and you agreed. A car dropped him in front of your doorm, and you ran happily to him. "How do you feel now?" you asked, seeing that they already took off his bandages. "Thanks to you, I'm good. They said that I wouldn't heal up so fast if you didn't heal me with your stamina and spells." he said "but still, that wasn't a right thing to do." he added
"You'll keep scolding me for the next decade or what?" you protested and turned your head to the left, pretending to be mad.
"I didn't mean it like that, I just don't want you to risk your life for me."

Butterfly - Tamaki X Fem Reader (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now