Mario's injuries Part 4

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( idea from Kistune39 )

Bri's pov

Ritchie and Brandon came to see how Mario is and when they got there me and lo'pho was sad for a reason then Ritchie and Brandon came to us "All the injuries that Mario has damage his brain and give him bipolar '' said lo'pho "what is bipolar'' said Brandon "well bipolar is a mental heath condition that affects your moods" ( i think i don't know things ok) said Bri.

That give the twin devil slayers a big shock and with that they where gone with a blink of an eye.

Brandon's pov

Me and my brother went straight to Adlantide and we seen Mario's boyfriend he went out of Adlantide so we followed him to see where he was going. It was a long boat ride but we don't care all we care about is Mario at the moment.

nobody's pov

When the boat stop they was shocked when they seen Mario's boyfriend with his old guild master. They was listening to what drake was saying to Mario's old guild master he was telling him about Mario. Ritchie and Brandon was furious with him. When Mario's boyfriend got back to Adlantide Ritchie and Brandon said to follow them so he did

Hi I hope you like it
And can I have some ideas of chapter 5 pls

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