he is back Part 6

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nobody's pov

Mario, Ritchie and Brandon just arrived back to divinus magia. when they got to the guild hall Kit was sat whiting for them to get back. when she seen them she ran straight up to Mario and hugged him and did not let go for a long time. But Ritchie and Brandon have to keep a Mario close eye on him so that he is safe.

When they got to there office and Mario sat in a small bit of the office and he was very still and didn't say a word to his guild masters but he did when Brandon asked him "why are you dating him when he hits you'' " well'' said Mario "I cant tell you" "why is that" said Ritchie " I JUST CAN'T OK" "Mario pls don't shout'' said Brandon in a calm voice.

Mario ran out of the office and Ritchie and Brandon ran after him. "Mario pls stop running we need to know why you cant tell us we can help you'' Mario ran into is home and lock his door Ritchie and Brandon keep nocking on his door but he won't answer them.

They sat on the floor out side Mario's place and fell asleep Mario found that a good opportunity to get of the inland and to the dragon cave so he ran as fast as he can. In the morning Ritchie and Brandon woke up and noticed that Mario's door of his home was open and he was gone.

They went to the guild hall to see if they have see Mario " have you see Mario today he was not in his home when he ran out are office '' said Ritchie " no we haven't seen him since you three came back yesterday he might have ran away last night" said kit


i hope you like this

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