A new place part 16

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Brandon's pov

I was sat in my office with my brother trying to find out where Mario was. "Ritchie, Brandon." said kit as she came in the office with a scared look on her face. "what is it kit and why do you look all scared are you alright." Ritchie said in a worried tone of voice she handed Ritchie a later "someone gave this to me and said to give this to your guild leaders. And then he vanished." I looked at the later and seen a logo that I seen before "Well thank you kit." I said she nodded and left. Before Ritchie tried to open it I stopped him. "Brother it has a logo that we seen before." Me and Ritchie had a long look at the logo "is the logo that Mario had from his old guild." I said and my brother just looked at me. "what are you talking about." Ritchie said in shock I just graded the later of my brother and opened it a pen-drive came out and fell on the desk. My brother picked it up and put in in his laptop and we sat there of a bit and when it uploaded a video came up i looked at my brother but before he pressed play "it can be from Mario's ex guild leader." he nodded and pressed play.

As the video finishes me and my brother are furious we left are office and went in the guild Hall to tell everyone we might have a idea where Mario is.
when we did they all left the guild hall to prepare for a fight

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