a visit from death Part 14

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Mario's pov

I was sat in the small dark room I hear a whistle. I looked where it was coming I see a man with a hood he had two sickles "who are you and why are you here" I say looking at him "am death or you can call me freddie nice to see you" he said smiling at me "if you want to kill me do it already am sick of being alive" he just looks at me "what am not here to kill you am here to kill drake mason do you know where he is?" I looked at the door and said "out there somewhere" and with that death went to the door and left and I didn't see him again.

death's pov

I left the poor boy in the dark room and went looking for drake mason. I was looking of 3 days to find him and I finely did but as i went to cut the life string but I won't break as I keep trying it won't snap {oh no i have to go but he has to die ahhh you know what he lives I cant keep trying to kill him}

drake's pov

{what was that must be a fly} I as went to go see Mario the door was open "if he got out ill find him and kill him" I said to my self. as I got down there I see that he is still there "why is the door open i locked it" Mario just looked at me with shock "I thought you was killed" he said looking at me "me dead what do you mean" Mario didn't say nothing he just looked away from me "fine if you won't tell me I'll look at the camera's" so I left and looked the door with a spell so nothing will open it  

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