Bryan lies part 8

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Bryan's pov
I was in Adlantide shopping for some chocolate chips for Kay and jakey and when i went to the docks I seen Ritchie and Brandon and they ran up to me and asked if I seen Mario at all and I said no because Mario didn't want his guild coming to get him.
They said ok and left so I went back to my shopping.

When I finished my shopping I went to the dragon cave and give Mario some more food and a bigger blanket and left him alone.

I went to the guild hall a d there was a all guild meeting to speak about Mario's disappearance and when it was over I went to the dragon cave and told Mario to hide the rest of the dragon slayers are looking in the cave for you.

I help Mario put all the stuff away and help hide him so the dragon slayers don't find him and when they came to the cave they didn't fine him so they left.


I hope you like this and if you have any ideas for part 9 you can put it in the comments

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