Chapter 2

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Katya gets back to her apartment and realizes she should clean up a little and do a load of laundry. After putting the laundry in the dryer, she decides to take a short nap on the couch.

A couple hours pass and Katya's phone goes off letting her know she has a text message. She opens it up and it's Ginger letting her know her plane landed safely and she's looking at palm trees. Katya smiles and writes back that she is glad and hopes she has a good week.

She looks at the time and sees it is after 5 o'clock. I can't believe I napped that long! Her stomach growls telling her she needs to eat. Katya decides to place a delivery order for her favorite spicy yellow curry. While she waits, Katya puts away her laundry and tries to find something to watch on tv.

While searching the streaming apps on her smart tv, the doorbell rings. Katya goes to the door and grabs her order from the delivery guy. She thanks the driver and closes the door.

With her container of curry and a silly game show, she enjoys her meal. After dinner, she decides to have a smoke on her balcony.

As she lights her cigarette and inhales, she realizes she hasn't had a cigarette since her last day at work before going on vacation. Maybe I just need to start doing yoga again. That used to really help clear my mind. Coming to the conclusion that the cigarette isn't really doing anything, she puts it out on the ashtray on her small outside table. After taking a couple deep breaths, she heads back inside.

In the kitchen, she grabs a bottle of water and heads back to the couch. She picks up her phone and checks her social media apps. Seeing the usual drama, she puts down her phone and sighs.

Her mind drifts to the conversation she had with Ginger. Maybe I should try looking up online if anyone has had sex with a ghost. Picking up her phone again, she laughs as she types in her search.

Scrolling through the results Katya comes across an interesting "article". There are two women that have written up their experiences after following steps they had found to summon a ghost and get it to have sex with them.

Katya reads that according to their findings, there are guidelines to follow before carrying out the actual steps. The guidelines are to: 1) Take the process seriously 2) Have some sort of belief system if you are scared (God, angels, guides, etc.) 3) Do not get scared because fear will prevent anything from happening and can bring the wrong kind of energy (dark energy) into your space 4) Remember that this is our realm so you hold the control and 5) Remember that this is not "bad" or is it "evil" to do this

Continuing to read, Katya then sees that the women then explain the steps they each took to try and summon a ghost to have sex with. The steps as written are: 1) Clean personal space or room where you will be following through with the steps. 2) Prepare the space or room as if you are going to have a living lover over with things such as candles, mood lighting, and sexy music. * Do not use sage! This will keep spirits away!* 3) Define and set boundaries for where this encounter will occur. Many choose their bedroom. 4) Protect the space with what works for your chosen belief system. 5) Lay down and do some deep breathing. Visualize your ghostly lover and what they feel like. Ask the Universe (or whomever) to send you a ghostly lover. Be clear you want the experience to be positive, good, loving, and hot. 6) Softly chant out loud or to yourself, "Come to me loving spirit." 7) Believe. 8) Pay attention to your senses. You may feel, hear, smell, or see something. 9) Communicate with spirit throughout the encounter to show mutual respect. 10) When it's over, thank the spirit and close the veil or portal that was opened. Verbally state that all spirits and entities must leave and close the veil or portal.

Katya continues reading and the "article" finished with each woman's experience. One didn't feel that anything happened while the other felt "some tingling" that might have been something. Both concluded that their experiences were a bust but they agreed that it was an interesting experience.

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