Chapter 4

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Next morning, Katya awakens and immediately realizes that she slept through the night with no interruptions. Seems Trixie and I both got what we wanted. "Hey Trixie, you were quiet last night. Did you enjoy yourself as well?" Katya laughs then immediately covers her mouth to quiet herself to a small giggle. She shakes her head. I can be such an idiot sometimes.

While sitting and eating breakfast, Katya is browsing through her social media apps. She comes across an update from her cousin Anna. It's a picture of her three nieces all dressed in cute pjs and their book bags. The caption reads Pajama Day at school!!! They are too much. She comments that they are very cute and that she is looking forward to seeing them all soon. She adds three red heart emojis to the end. Katya smiles and turns off her phone to set it down on the table.

Katya starts to think about how nice it was that Alaska came by the other night with food for them to share. I have got to remember to return the favor sometime. But I definitely will be texting her beforehand. Katya laughs to herself.

Suddenly, memories of last night with Trixie flood her mind. God, that was so much better than I could have ever imagined. I can't believe it actually worked. Fuck, now I'm feeling horny. Damn, I didn't even see Trixie and am already obsessed. Oh, that's right, I need to find out if there is any way I can see her. "Trixie, I have a question. Is there a way I can see you when I'm feeling you?" I know she will know what I'm talking about.

Katya sits quietly, waiting for some sort of sign that Trixie is responding. Two minutes pass with no indication that Trixie is even there. Hmmm, I'm surprised she isn't showing me that she is here. I hope I didn't send her through the veil. Katya sighs and starts to stand up noticing she has a small lump in her throat. She coughs a little and starts to head to the kitchen. BUZZ BUZZ. Katya looks at her phone and sees it lighting up. I don't feel like checking that right now. BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ. Her phone is lighting up again and again. Fine, what?!

As soon as Katya picks up her phone and swipes the screen, a web page is loading up. She looks at her screen in disbelief. It is a website for a supernatural arts store. This has to be from Trixie. Katya immediately looks up from her phone and looks around at her surroundings. No sign of Trixie still. She looks back to the website and sees the address of the store is just a 10-15 minute car ride from her apartment. I'm going. Trixie must want me to go there for a reason.

Katya walks up to the entrance of The Arts of the Supernatural. She opens the door and steps in. The small store looks like a modern witch's dream and smells wonderfully like a flower garden. Looking around, there are crystals of all different types and sizes, jewelry, herbs, tarot cards, candles, incense, and so much more. Katya notices toward the back of the store there is a whole wall of books. Feeling a pull to see the books, Katya starts walking towards the back of the store.

As she walks past a table, a book falls right at her feet. It's a pretty large book. Confused, Katya bends over and picks it up with both hands. Just as she is going to just place it back on the table from which it fell, she notices the title of the book, Communicating with Spirits by Violetta Doobry. Katya quickly gasps. Trixie is here? This book must have the answer I am looking for.

Katya quickly flips through some pages and sees it has a lot of information about ghosts including ways to communicate with them and a few spells. She closes the book satisfied and heads to the middle aged woman working the cash register to make her purchase and head home.

Once home, Katya sets the book down on her coffee table. The book immediately flips open. Trixie. Katya picks it back up and looks wide-eyed at the page on the left it has been opened to. It is a spell to make spirits visible. Oh my god!!

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