Chapter 5

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Katya's alarm on her phone wakes her up. Fuck, what a day yesterday! And night. She giggles and bites her lip. Memories of Trixie giving her some of the most intense orgasms of her life last night flood her mind. I gotta stop thinking about her right now. As much as I really want to, I shouldn't spend all day in bed. With a sigh, she gets up and starts her day.

It's Saturday and she is thankful for not having to be at work the next couple of days. Since she got back to work from her vacation a few weeks ago, she has been very busy dealing with three new art exhibits at the gallery that premiered yesterday. Katya has gotten into a routine of using her alone time with Trixie to help her unwind before bed after long days at work. With the weeks she has been having, she has seen Trixie quite a bit the last couple of weeks.

As Katya moves through her apartment she notices the apartment feels different. Like something is missing. "Trixie, are you here?" She waits and gets no response. Hmm, well I did want to be more productive on the weekends.

Katya decides to keep herself busy by doing a yoga video on YouTube, eating some oatmeal for breakfast, and taking a shower. She notices a lonely feeling creeping up on her during each of them.

While getting dressed, Katya can't seem to find her favorite black shirt with all the skulls on it. "Trixie, are you here? Did you move my shirt?" No response again. Katya starts to feel sad and goes to sit down at her desk. Where is she? God, I think I'm falling for her. This is insane, she is a ghost! But, I miss her. Tears start to fall down her cheeks.

Suddenly, the spirits book that she hasn't needed to open in a couple weeks flips open. Katya wipes her eyes and leans over to look at the book. She sees it's opened to the same spell that she has been using for weeks and shakes her head. She closes the book and looks up. "Trixie, that's not what I want to do right now." Katya starts to get up off her chair and the book opens again. I said no. "Why did you open the book again? I said I don't -" Katya is interrupted by her phone going off and lighting up a couple times.

Katya reaches over to pick it up. She swipes the screen and an empty note page pops up. "Trixie, why do you keep opening the book to the same page after I said that's not what I want to do right now? Can't you see I'm upset and crying?" Trixie starts writing on the note page. Katya reads, I did see you crying and I wish I could comfort you right now. Please look at the page next to the spell. Katya wipes her eyes and puts down her phone. She leans over and looks at the page next to the spell.

It's a page with the heading A Warning and Special Instructions for Those Who Wish to Bring Back the Deceased. I'm surprised this didn't catch my attention before. I have been pretty focused on other things lately. Katya continues to read the page. It says that there is a spell that can be used to attempt to give a ghost or spirit their life back. Katya's heart beats faster.

She continues and reads that a spell of this magnitude requires great sacrifice and great uncertainty. She now starts to feel uneasy. It goes on to say that in order to do the spell, the name of the spirit must be known and the spellcaster's blood will be used. Okay, that doesn't sound too bad. She reads that these will ensure the correct ghost or spirit has a link to come back to the land of the living, in full physical form. The formerly deceased will appear to the one who completes the spell but it is uncertain of when they will appear to the spellcaster. It could be days, weeks, or months. Furthermore, the deceased who is brought back is not guaranteed to know the spellcaster if they didn't know them prior to their death. It goes on to say that the spellcaster is to perform this spell with immense risk and understanding. There is a break on the page then it lists new ingredients to add to the bowl used for the spell on the other page and then the steps for this new spell.

The Spirit *TRIXYA*Where stories live. Discover now