Chapter 3

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Katya gets back into her apartment and closes the door. She washes her hands at the kitchen sink and heads back to the couch, still thinking about what Alaska told her.

Trixie Mattel, let's see if I can find out more about you. Katya picks up her phone and searches for "Trixie Mattel car accident in Boston." Her name is unique enough that there shouldn't be too many results, I hope. Just as she suspected, there were only a couple dozen or so results. Most were just picking up the "Mattel" part of the search and giving me Barbie related information.

About halfway through the results, was a local news article from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Wisconsin, that's weird. I put Boston in the search. Let me see if this is about her.

Katya taps on the link and immediately sees a headshot of a beautiful young woman. She is blonde with honey brown eyes. Wow, she is absolutely breathtaking. She seemed to have liked wearing lots of makeup, especially on the eyes but somehow it works for her. Her nose is slightly crooked but she has full plump lips. Oh, what a shame! Katya scrolls down and reads the story.

She finds out Trixie grew up in Milwaukee but moved to Boston for college studying Music Theater and then was working on fulfilling her lifelong dream of becoming a music star. She left behind her mother, two sisters, a brother, and a niece. It continued to say that Trixie died along with the driver of the car, Kimberly Chi, in a head-on collision with a tractor trailer. Oh, this is horrible! She continues to read that the cause of the accident was drunk driving at the fault of Kimberly Chi. Trixie's family chose to have her buried in her hometown in Wisconsin. Katya closes her eyes briefly and shakes her head and scrolls back up to look at the beauty one more time. Could she be haunting her old apartment, my apartment? Katya closes the article and decides to call Ginger.

"Hi Katya, how are you?"

"Hi, I'm doing okay. How are you?"

"I'm just getting out of work and about to head home for dinner. What's up, I can tell you are upset about something. You never say you are just okay." Katya lightly chuckles in response.

"You're right. So, I think I found out who the ghost is in my apartment."

"What?! Who? How did you find that out?" Ginger asks concerned yet curious.

"I met a neighbor while taking out the trash and we got to talking and I asked her if she knew the person who lived here before me. She told me it was a woman named Trixie and she died in a horrible car accident."

"Oh no, that is so sad to hear."

"It is. I found an article online and it said she was the passenger while the driver of the car was driving drunk. The article didn't mention if Trixie had also been drunk though."

"That's odd but not unusual for information to be missing in articles. Did you happen to see a picture of what she looked like?"

"Oh Ginger, she was gorgeous! I can't believe it. I wish I had known her when she was alive. She was blonde and -"

Ginger interrupts and says, "You would have fallen for her."

"Ha Ha, very funny. I don't know about that but I definitely would have liked to have had the chance to have made out with her at least." Katya says with a laugh.

"Well, you know what you have to do now right?"

"What's that?"

"Try those steps you found online silly," Ginger laughs.

"I think I just might. What do I have to lose right?"

"Right! Well, I gotta eat dinner but let me know how it goes. I'm excited for you!"

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