"Alright. A week next Saturday at the Stork Club. 8 o'clock on the dot. Don't you dare be late." Peggy spoke into the radio.

"I still don't know how to dance." Even getting closer to the end Steve could still make Peggy laugh. "That's alright. Just be there."

"We'll have the band play something slow. I'd hate to step on your..." Static filled the room. Peggy put her head in her hands and froze. It wasn't until Howard put his hand on her back she moved.

"Peg," he tried to say , but she shook her head. "Please don't. I just want to go back to my room." He backed up and let her walk alone. She took a moment at the door to wipe her tears before holding her chin up and walking down the corridor.

"Agent Carter." Colonel Phillips said. "Tomorrow you will be spending time helping Stark. I don't want you to leave his side until he decides to part ways. Understood?"

"May I ask why?" She stated, clearly annoyed. "We lost a good man today. One you both were very close to. I don't want to see either of you blame yourselves for what happened. Spend the day with each other." She nodded and continued her walk.

While Peggy may have thought her secret glances went by unnoticed, Phillips saw every one. He could see the relationship between Steve and Peggy. And he knew how bad this would be.

After the war, Peggy went back to New York. She was set up at the SSR. It was a good life. Maybe a tad stressful but nothing she couldn't handle.

The only problem was Stark. A ton of his weapons went missing, causing him to catch the blame. With the help of his butler, Jarvis, Stark managed to get Peggy to help him.

They cleared his name and earned the respect of her fellow SSR agents. Within the two years Peggy worked for the SSR, she was able to accomplish a lot.

She had been able to find love for a short period. Daniel Sousa. They worked together but it wasn't the right time. He loved California and she stayed in New York. Of course she loved Daniel, but it was never what she wanted for herself.

After leaving LA, Peggy was given a spot at a different New York office. Only this time she didn't have the respect of anyone around her.

On night she went into the field with no backup but still managed to succeed. Her boss, unfortunately, did not appreciate it. He was going to fire her when Howard called with a job offer. Becoming Director of SHIELD. A very powerful role. She took it and left and never looked back.

"Now don't change anything. Just return the stones and come back." Bruce told Steve. He nodded and got ready to leave.

First was the space stone, then mind, reality, power, soul, and finally the time stone. He managed to return the first four with no problems, but the soul stone was different.

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