"It's been so long." Peggy cried. Her head was buried into his chest, holding him for dear life. "Peggy." Steve whispered. He hugged her back and set his chin on her head.

"I think it's time for our dance." She smiled, looking up at him. She pulled him into her living room, playing the first song she could find. She placed his arms around her waist and slowly started to move.

He looked down at his feet until he felt he would step on her feet. Peggy just stayed close to his chest, listening for a heart beat. They danced for hours, moving around the living room as one. Steve felt Peggy relax into his arms a tad more every so often.

By the time the night was done, the record had ended, Peggy was asleep held up by Steve and the front door was wide open. Steve carried a sleeping Peggy up the stairs, peeking into every room to find her bedroom.

He laid her down, turned off the light and let her sleep. He closed and locked the door and turned off the record player before falling asleep on a couch.

Peggy woke up and took a deep breathe. She needed to tell Howard about the dream she had. Steve was alive and came back. Something crashed in the kitchen and she sat up.

She reached under her pillow for the gun Ana had bought her, slowly going downstairs. She turned a corner and aimed. "Steve." She sighed. She put the gun on the counter and ran to him.

"I thought it was a dream. I woke up and it was all in my head. I thought-" Steve stopped her by holding her face. "I'm real. It's all real." She nodded and smiled.

Looking around she noticed he had tried to make food. It appeared to be French toast, with a few burnt pieces on a plate. "There are some good ones." He smiled when he saw her looking at the slightly charred bread.

She smiled and he couldn't stop staring, it was a smile he hadn't seen in a long time. After eating and cleaning the mess, they sat at the dining table.

"So. How did this happen? Last I knew you went down in the plane." She said. "I can't explain it. It's like I just appeared here. And I only knew of one person I needed to go to."

A small smile crept onto her face at the answer. "Where did you sleep?" She asked, knowing the answer but wanting the reason. "On the couch. I didn't want to impose on you so I put you to sleep and came back down."

"Still scared of women I see." She laughed. "I am not." He smiled. Their laughs were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Good lord. Go upstairs to my bedroom. No one can know your back. Not now anyway. And put this under my pillow." She said passing him the gun as he went upstairs.

Peggy took a breath at the door and opened it to Stark. "Peg. How ya been?" He asked looking around the house. "I'm fine Howard. Do you need something?" She said, trying to get him to leave.

"I wanted some tea. And to introduce you to my new friend Natasha." He said with a smile. Peggy nodded at her and opened the door to let them in. "Does this visit have anything to do with the offer?" She asked.

"No. Not yet anyways. Just wondering if you had any guests." He asked. Peggy shook her head as she started a kettle. "I don't have time for guests. I'm much too busy."

Nat looked around the rooms to see if Steve had gotten there yet, but there was nothing. Howard did the same, only he was looking harder. "What are you doing Howard?" Peggy asked when he started looking through a stack of books.

"Just getting some recommendations. What did you have for breakfast?" Peggy turned to the burnt bread in the counter. "I made some toast but got distracted looking through the files."

Nat looked between the two, making small conversation trying to see if Steve had already arrived. If he hadn't, Howard didn't want to ruin the surprise. Both didn't want to let slip about Steve. Peggy was thinking the same thing.

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