After working as director for two months, Peggy knew one thing. She hated it.

Whenever she was in the field no one went with her plan. Every time she left her office someone made a comment about her. The only thing she liked was training with Steve and Natasha.

To help all of them get better they would sometimes fight. The only rule was no weapons. Sometimes they went easy on each other, but it still was a fight.

When she fought Steve it was like a warm up. Then fighting Nat was fun. It was as if Peggy could let go and fight like hell. But fighting Nat was strange. Peggy was sure she had fought very similar to someone else.

After their most recent training session Peggy just wanted to go back to her office. They only worked out today so it wasn't as stress relieving as she had wanted.

"I'll see you both later." She said, giving Steve a kiss on the cheek. She walked calmly, but fast, to her office. After closing every curtain and the blinds she sat against the wall.

It wasn't often that Peggy cried. But something about not getting the credit she deserved always caused her to cry.

She heard a knock at the door and Steve opened it. He locked it behind him and sat next to her. "You know I thought about bringing some vodka incase you had a bad day." Peggy laughed and pointed at a desk drawer.

"Steve I'm English. I have whiskey in my desk." Steve opened it and grabbed two glasses and a bottle.

"Perfect. Just what you needed to feel better." Peggy swirled her glass before finishing it off. "So what's wrong? It isn't often I find you crying against a wall."

"It's just everything. I had a place during the war. I had a title, respect. And now I've switched titles and lost all the respect I had. Steve I hate it here." She sighed.

He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her head. "I'm sorry. I wish I could help more. But you will always have my respect. Got that?" She nodded.

"I need an answer to make sure you didn't tune me out." He said shaking her with his arm. He heard her laugh and relaxed a bit. "I don't hear anything."

"Yes I hear you. I won't tune you out until we're at least in our fifties." Peggy smiled. "Good. I will always tell you whenever you need to hear it."

He held her close and laid his head on hers. "I don't remember you like this during the war." He said.

"That's because you didn't have the pleasure of actually knowing me. I would do cry in my room all the time. You were only ever admiring from afar." She joked.

"I wouldn't say admiring." He said brushing it off.

"Steve Rogers you had a crush. It was very clear. You had a crush on me." She said turning towards him.

"How could I not? I mean a girl who could beat me up but liked me and was prettier than anyone.  What isn't there to have a crush on?" Peggy blushed a bit and turned her head.

"And I wasn't the only one. You had a crush too."

"I did not." Peggy said surprised.

"Oh really? It was you that had been at a loss for words and distracted when handing me a shirt after the procedure. And waiting for the right partner. I would call that a crush."

"I mean when this comes out of that machine. Any girl would be at a loss for words." She said pointing at his abs.

"Agent Carter. Who knew?" He said pulling her closer. "It's Director Carter." She said, holding up a finger.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You will always be Agent Carter, the girl who saw the little kid from Brooklyn."

"That's sweet. You're sweet." She smiled. "I should do my job." She whispered. Steve helped her stand and she put the glasses away.

"I'll be here later to head home." He opened the door to leave and she spoke up.


He turned around.

"I love you."

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