Now knowing how Peggy had truly been feeling, he made sure to make every day better. He would leave flowers, bring lunch, leave little notes. Everything he wanted to do when he met her.

It did help. For a while. But always having to fight for recognition was draining. There was agent that couldn't accept that she was his boss. He was spreading a rumor that she was sleeping with Howard to get to the top.

After the initial disgust of it being Howard, she was livid. All she wanted to do was fight someone. Unfortunately that person happened to be Steve.

While they were training she accidentally flipped him on his back and knocked the wind out of him.

"Oh darling I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." She said, helping him up. After their very confused looks she explained what happened.

"That's ridiculous. Who said it?" Steve asked, clearly upset. "Steve don't do anything dumb." Peggy said. She didn't want everyone to know.

"And I might have a little plan."

She explained what was going to happen and looked at Steve for approval. "Do it." He said with a smile.

Peggy walked down the hall and stopped in the bathroom to add another coat of her nights out lipstick. She found the agent that started the rumor and pulled him away.

"I know what you said." She said, slightly flirting. "And what would that be?" He asked. She wanted to punch him.

"About me and Howard. The truth is I don't do scientists. Agents are way more fun." She smiled. He got a bit closer and she held his chin and kissed him.

He started to get dizzy and she moved his head away. "Talk about me like that again and I will ensure you never work again." She dropped his face and let him fall, walking away.

Steve was in her office at her desk. "So?" He asked. "He's currently in a hallway." She smiled, sitting on the desk. "You're amazing." He stood up and went to kiss her but she put up her hand.

"Steve." She sighed.

"Right." He got a towel and she wiped it off. "Now can I kiss my girlfriend?" She smiled and laughed. "Only if you say it again."

"Girlfriend." She laughed and pulled him in by his tie. Peggy wrapped her arms around him and leaned back a little. They deepened their kiss and Peggy leaned back farther.

"Peg did you-" Howard asked as he swung the door open. "Good god." He said, turning right around.

"Why?" Peggy groaned as Steve stood up. She got up and opened the door to Howard and the soldier. "What?"

"Did you knock him out?" Howard asked.

Peggy laughed and looked between the two. "Howard did he tell you the whole story?" He shook his head. "This man started a rumor and me and you and so I set him straight."

"What rumor?" He asked winking. "That i had slept with you to get to the top." Howard laughed and looked at him. "You really thought Peggy needs to sleep her way to the top? That's funny?"

"You'll be fine." Howard said as he started to walk away with the agent. He ran back and whispered something to Peggy. "Do you want to borrow my car? The one with the wine and the mirror?"

Peggy shut the door in his face and turned back to Steve. "I hate him."

"You love him."

Peggy rolled her eyes, looked at the clock and started to pack her things. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"We'll seeing as it is almost 5, I am going to go sleep with my boyfriend." Steve laughed and grabbed her bag from her. She tried to hold it but he insisted.

steggyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora