"Steven Rogers. A surprise it is. Unfortunately the soul stone has been taken."

A shiver was sent down Steve's back. The voice he once fought stood in front of him. "Schmidt. You're alive?" He asked, hoping his sacrifice wasn't useless.

"I was chosen to be the soul stone protector. Ensuring only a trade can be made. A soul for a soul."

Steve stepped forward and opened the case. "I've come to return the stone." Schmidt stepped forward and lifted the stone without touching it. He let it hover before it was sent into the sky, Steve going with it.

He opened his eyes, sitting up, in small pond. Water splashed behind him and he saw a familiar redhead sitting in the water. "Nat?" He spoke.

"What happened? Where's Clint?" She said, getting stressed. "Whoa calm down. He's home. On Earth. We're on Vormir." He explained.

"No but-" She looked around and took a breath. "So what happened? Did we win? Where's everyone? Tony, Bruce, Thor." Steve quickly explained everything that had happened in his past couple hours.

"There's another thing. Tony is dead. He snapped and won the war." Nat stopped moving. "No. He can't be. He has Pepper and Morgan and Peters back now. He's not dead."

Steve nodded and Natasha looked away. "So what now?" She asked. "I don't know. I didn't know I would be seeing you again so I didn't think about it all. I have the time stone left and then I'll figure it out."

"Take me with you. I still have one trip. Take me back to New York. I'll figure it out from there. I need to go find my sister." Steve agreed and they set their suits for 2012.

Steve and Nat ran onto the rooftop and were stopped by the Ancient One. "I believe you have something of mine. I'm glad you lived to return it." Steve opened the case and the stone returned to the Eye of Agomoto.

"Where are you going now?" She asked. "I don't really have a choice. I have to go back to 2023." Steve replied, confused, turning to leave. "There is always a choice Captain."

He stopped and turned to face her. "I can go back? I can go get my life back?" She nodded her head and he stopped. "You can take your visitor as well. I have a feeling we already have our own."

"Go back where? How can you go somewhere I won't be?" Nat asked, stepping forward. "By going back to before you were born." He said.

"Can you help me forget? Forget everything I know about the future. I want a normal life." The Ancient One formed an orange cube and nodded. "It will all come back to you as it happens. The current memories and the old ones. You will live as the normal man you died as."

After receiving a job offer from Stark, Peggy never gave him an answer. She took time to think about her answer. Did she really want to continue an action filled life? She spent 4 years in a war, many more being a code breaker.

She had already lost so many people. Her brother, her love. Howard gave her all the time she needed to process before deciding.

Today Peggy woke up, got dressed and went downstairs to look through other possible job options. She made some tea and sat at her dining room table.

"So the 40's. Am I gonna have to be a waitress?" Nat joked. Steve rolled his eyes as the Ancient One finished the spell. "After this, you won't remember anything about the future. You'll be back to normal."

Steve smiled and pressed the button on the suit. Nat followed and they were whisked away to 1947.

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