"I know this place." Steve said walking up the stairs he had taken years before. He moved the rock that hid the key and walked into his old apartment.

"When you went down I knew you were coming back so I rented the apartment. Just incase." Peggy smiled. Steve looked back at her before walking around.

He ran his hand over the couch that once belonged to Bucky. His parents had given it to Steve after his mom died. He made his way to the bedroom that still contained his old clothes.

"How did you afford it all these years?" He asked to Peggy, who was silently following him, letting him take it all in.

"Well after a month or two the building owner changed and this apartment went rent free. Coincidentally it was a week after Howard found out about it." She smiled.

"Thank you."

"We can sell some of your old clothes to make money for new ones. I don't quite think they would fit you now."

Peggy went to the closet and grabbed a random shirt. She held it up to him and faced him towards a mirror. "Just a bit small." Steve wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head.

They left soon after to see their new office. Steve drove, he insisted, and pulled up to what looked like an army base. "Home sweet home." He smirked when he saw Peggys face light up.

"Welcome." Howard said, holding his arms out. "How do you like it?"

"Oh it's exquisite." Peggy said, she looked like a kid in a candy store.

"I think she's more excited than when I came back." Steve joked. Peggy didn't hear him and started to walk around. "Follow me." Stark said, leading them to an elevator.

When the doors opened Peggy saw a familiar face. "Rose!" She cheered. The redhead ex-receptionist stood up and ran to Peggy. "I thought you loved LA. What are you doing here?"

"Oh I couldn't resist to work with you again. Plus now I am more than a receptionist. Now who's this?" She said looking at Steve.

"Rose this is Steve. My Steve." Peggy said grabbing his hand. Rose looked him up and down   "Your Steve? Like big handsome Captain America? Pleasure to meet you." She said holding out her hand.

Steve shook it and she winked at him. "Easy there Rose." Peggy joked. "Oh I'm just playing. I could never split you two up. Not with your love story." She smiled.

Howard interrupted and continued showing them around. He led them to Peggys office and opened the door. "It's got one door leading to the hall, and another leading to the briefing room. So your right next to the action Peg."

"Thank you." She smiled.

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