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S.H.I.E.L.D airship

Lucy and Steve played thumb fights again for about 10 minutes "Lucy, I'm going to look for the others." Lucy nodded and Steve went towards the laboratory. Now Natascha Thor and Lucy were still at the table, surrounded by agents.

Thor turned around and saw that Lucy was sitting all alone, so he decided to walk up to Lucy. "Hello Miss. We haven't been introduced to each other yet, I'm Thor Odinson from Asgard. Also known as god of thunder. Also, I'm Loki's brother."

A smile spread across Lucy's face, she stood up and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Thor. I'm Lucy Del La Cruz. And don't worry about Loki, I know family can be hard. This is my sister Natascha Romanoff." Lucy pointed at Natascha, she gave him a friendly but distant smile.

"I can see we're going to be good friends, Lady Lucy. I knew it was you, when I saw you two, I've never felt a greater energy. Mother said it would be soon, but I didn't believe her until this very day." Thor grinned from ear to ear.

Lucy was still grinning "Yes..." she nodded her head "What are you talking about?" she asked confused.

Thor's brow furrowed, "He hasn't told you yet? But surely you felt it, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about, Thor?" Natascha asked.

"I think he and Lady Lucy should talk about it first."

Before Lucy or Natascha could ask any more questions, Phil came in and dragged Thor with him. "What was that?" Natasha asked.

Lucy groaned "I really have no idea."

Natascha got up and put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "Whatever. I'm going to have a conversation watch captive. Wish me luck."

"Good luck" Lucy sincerely wished her. Natascha left the room and Lucy was now all alone at the table. Instead of sitting around lazily, she decided to walk around the ship.

Lucy walked through the halls like a stray cat until she heard Natascha's voice through the headphones in her ear, "Loki wants to unleash the Hulk on us. Capture Banner in the lab. I'm on my way. And send Thor."

Lucy turned and ran all the way back until she knew where she was. Then she went to the laboratory, at least she remembered this way from last time. When Lucy entered the lab, everyone seemed stressed. Steve slapped Tony's hand off his shoulder. "You know exactly why. Stop it!" Steve said seriously.

Tony glared at Steve "I feel like a fight."

Lucy stood by the door, wide-eyed. Steve took a step closer to Tony. "Yeah. The big man in armor." Steve walked closer to Tony "but what are you without them?" Steve said provocatively.

Tony looked bored with the conversation "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist."

"I know men without all that who are worth much more. I saw the recordings. You only fight for yourself. You would not sacrifice yourself to lie on the barbed wire to help the other."

"I'd rather cut the wire." Tony replied quickly.

Lucy rolled her eyes and Steve let out a laugh under his breath. "There's an answer to everything. You may not be a threat, but don't pretend you're a hero."

Tony's facial expression changed from bored to annoyed "A hero? As you? You're a lab experiment, Rogers. Everything special about you came out of a bottle."

Steve started to smile "Put on your armor. We'll fight a few rounds."

Lucy made a face and tried not to laugh. But Thor started to laugh. "You humans are so insignificant and tiny."

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