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I was already more than 10 minutes in this tiny airplane bathroom until I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Marshall leave me alone", I answered annoyed.

"Hey, Skylar...", i heard his voice. "Please let me in..."

I showed no reaction.

"Skylar? Please I'm so sorry...can we please talk?"

"But only talk", I finally said and opened the door.

Marshall immediately came in and locked the door again before he wrapped his arms around me.

"Marshall! I said only talk...", I sighted.

"But I'm so sorry I hurt you. I need to hug you.", he defended himself.

And finally I accepted his apologize so I hugged him back.

"It's okay Marshall", I mumbled.

"I was never mad at you Skylar. I promise", he said, still hugging me. "Maybe you could talk to Hailie someday...you know...maybe you can help her more..."

"I will Marshall. Don't worry about it", I smiled as I pulled off.

"Please don't be mad at me nomore", he said almost begging.

"I'm not", I said smiling and placed my hands on his chest and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

He smiled back and unlocked the door again.

Marshall pov

When we got out of the tiny barhroom Paul shot me a questioning look and Denaun smirked at me.

Oh my god...

"Dwag, chill. We just had an argument and was making things clear", I said annoyed. "What the fuck...."

Skylar just came next to me. "Yeah I'm sorry...we didnt make out... you can go back to sleep", she grinned sarcastically and Paul and Denaun just rolled their eyes.

"Cmon Marshall", she grinned at them. "You better give us some privacy now", she winked.

"Ouuuhh did you guys hear her. Yeah me too", I chuckled and played along because I knew how annoyed they would get. "Better put your headphones on. Just saying...", I smirked.

"Oh so funny", Paul sighted.

"Cmon baby", I said to Skylar and layed an arm around her waist.

"CmoN bABy", I heard Denaun immitating behind me but I didnt respond.

"We're so funny Marshall", Skylar said ironically.

"I know", I chuckled.

We sat down on our seats again and it was quiet for a moment.

"So you wanna come to my place for dinner? We can just order pizza or something", I finally asked.

"Yeah of course!", she said happily. "Can I come directly with you to your house?"

"Yeah course you can. We'll just drive together", I smiled.


For the rest of the flight I put on my headphones and scribbled a few rhymes or phrases into my rhyme book.

Skylar just fell asleep and i have to admit that she looked really beautiful. I mean she always does...


After a couple more hours we finally landed and I woke up Skylar.

"Skylar we landed", I said and brushed through her hair when she slowly woke up. She looked so cute.

Life Of Marshall MathersWhere stories live. Discover now