[18] The Day Before The Dance

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Depressed or not, I still had a bet to win.

I quietly made my way to Glory, who was putting her books away in a hurry, muttering things to herself.

"-literally so annoying, like why Ash?" she muttered. "The hell? Jesus... What the—"


She rolled her eyes when I put both my hands on either side of her, trapping her against the lockers.

"What do you want?"

"You think I forgot about the bet? Now way." I gave her my signature smirk. "Go to the dance with me tonight."

"I'm good, thanks."

"You know you want to."

Glory raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." I grinned.

She took a step closer and within a second, our faces were practically touching. She could probably see I was clearly flustered, surprised at her sudden confidence. Glory pressed her hand to my cheek and leaned forward to kiss me. I started to do the same, wrapping my arms around her waist.

At the last second, she pulled away and whispered, "Make a wish and see if it comes true," and walked away.

That fucking teaser.



I literally can't believe there's actually a stupid Halloween dance. Everyone's talking about it.

"Oh, he just asked me to the dance!"

"Did you hear there's a dance?"

"OH EM GEE, I totes have the perfect gown!"

"Should we wear matching dresses?"

"What if there are jump scares?"

"Ugh, I'm so excited!"

"Who y'all going with?"

"Will it be in the gym?"

"Did anyone ask you to the dance yet?"

"Who wants to stop by my house to get ready with me?"

"Let's all go shopping for the dance!"

Like shut up. No one cares about the dance. It's for babies. Lord, have mercy.

I shoved all my books into my locker and slammed it shut. The first thing I saw when I looked away was Glory, pinned to the lockers by Deathbringer and leaning in to kiss him.

Drama mama.

I stumbled to get my phone out just in time, grinning my head off. I took a quick pic and ran around the corridor to edit and post.

This should go viral very quickly.

Tides😘: going to the dance?

Okay, scratch that. I now care about the dance.

Tsu: uhhhh yeah. u goin?

Tides😘: ofc. only 4 u

I immediately started blushing. Sheesh.

Tsu: what r u gonna wear?

Tides😘: eh. idrk. u?

Tsu: pfft whatever Sunny makes me wear

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