'29.0 - BROTHER.

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basorexia (n

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basorexia (n.)
a strong craving or hunger for kissing





your chest tightened until a sharp pain shot right through your heart and closed your airway.

you opened your mouth to breathe but it was pointless.

with your back to bakugou, you clawed at your throat as your heart pounded harder, intensifying the throbbing pain in your chest.

but this wasn't new. you'd felt this before.

in the midst of the panic, you racked your brain for what your doctor had said previously.

numbers jumbled in your brain in a blurry vision. you closed your eyes and focused until three of them stood out. 4-7-8.

you pushed your ever-growing fear to the back of your head and focused. you'd done this a million times.

trembling fingers closed around the edge of the sink as you closed your mouth and breathed through your nose.

at first, all you could manage were quick ragged puffs of air. but after a few tries, you breathed in for 4 seconds, held it in for 7, and breathed out for 8.

by the time you heard two sharp knocks on the bathroom door, you were again in control.

"everything okay, there?"

"yeap!" your voice came out too high pitched so you cleared your throat before adding "just touching up my makeup."

he hummed in acknowledgment and leaned against the door with his arms crossed over his chest "i didn't know you had a brother."

"you never really take time to get to know others, bakugou. so that's not really a big surprise."

that sounded harsher than you meant but your brother was back and you were holding onto a thread not to lose your shit.

you were angry, annoyed, and scared and he was there. he was sure to get mad and yell and you could focus on your little back and forth instead of what your brother getting out of prison meant.

"then tell me." bakugou said calmly. "tell me about your family. your sister. brother. i wanna know you better than anyone else so you better not leave any details out."

☀︎ ︎BASOREXIA | k. bakugou x readerWhere stories live. Discover now