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TW: This chapter contains mentions of non-consensual kissing!!
I threw my shoes on and ran downstairs. I quickly grabbed my bag off the table and ran out the front door to the bus stop. By the time I got there the bus had already arrived. I walked onto the bus and sat in my usual seat. I looked over at my brother, Charlie, and my sister, Tori. We all smiled as the bus doors closed.
I stared out of  the window as the bus moved. I plugged in my headphones and listened to my music until the bus stopped. I waited until Charlie and Tori stood up. I grabbed my bag off of the floor and walked behind Tori. We stepped off of the bus. Tori and I went right while Charlie went left. Tori and I didn't speak, we entered the building and went our separate ways.
I walked into the crowded room and sat at the only empty table. I opened my bag and pulled the lunch I had packed out of my bag. I began eating when suddenly someone sat across from me. I looked up from the table.
"Elle! I forgot you were starting here at Higgs today!" I gasped when I realized who had sat across from me.
"Hey Cici!" Elle opened her apple juice and took a sip.
"So how's your first day going?" I opened my water bottle.
"It's good so far." She smiled.
"I'm glad!" I smiled.
We sat there eating our lunch, laughing, and talking until eventually our lunch time concluded. I walked Elle to her next class and then I walked to my next class.
*After School*
I met Elle by the entrance of the school building. We had decided to walk home together. By the time I arrived at the entrance she was already there waiting for me. We started walking towards the bus stop.
"So how was the rest of your day?" I looked over at Elle as we walked.
"It was good!" She looked over at me and smiled.
"So, do you like Higgs so far?" I looked down at my feet as I walked.
"I do!" She kicked a rock in front of her as she walked.
"Made any new friends?" I looked up from the ground.
"Yeah! I mean everyone is really nice." I knew she was lying.
"Elle, If you want I can introduce you to some people. I mean I don't know too many people but I know a few and I could always introduce you to them.  I know it's hard making new friends but you have to put yourself out there! Everyone at Higgs is super sweet. I mean some of them can be stuck up but for the most part everyone is really nice." I sat on the bus bench once we arrived at the bus stop.
"I know. I'm just afraid they won't like me." She sighed and sat down beside me.
"Elle they will love you." I hugged her.
"Tell your brother I miss him and I'll hopefully see him soon!" Elle looked at her phone to check the time.
"I will!" I also checked my phone.
*At Home*
I sat down on the couch and looked down at the ground. I was just sitting there, thinking, until a voice interrupted my thoughts.
"Hi Cierra." Charlie walked into the room.
"How was your day?" I looked up at him.
"It was...well honestly it was okay." He sighed and flopped down onto the couch beside me.
"Are you okay?" I looked over at him.
"You remember last year?" He looked at the ground.
"Is there another bully?" I asked.
"No no no! It's not a bully." He looked back at me.
"What is it Charlie?" I was relieved it wasn't a bully but I was worried.
"So last September I sort of started going out with this guy. I honestly really like him. Our relationship had been a secret because he's not out yet and he's not ready to be out yet." He said, taking pauses to cough or take a breath.
"That's not what's bothering you though, is it?" I asked once he finished the first half of his story.
"No. I mean he only ever wants to meet up when he wants to. I mean I understand not wanting to be out but he ignores me when other people are around. He pretends he doesn't even know I exist." Charlie looked at the ground.
"Charlie..." I hugged him as I noticed tears forming.
"Don't tell anyone. I sort of promised I would not tell anyone." He sniffled and hugged me back.
"Trust me. I will not tell anyone." I smiled.
"Thank you!" He sniffles yet again.
"My room is literally 2 doors down from your room. If you need me, don't hesitate to knock." I let go of Charlie.
"Thanks Ci." He stood up and walked to his room.
I sat there, scrolling through my phone when suddenly a message notification popped up.
"Hey Cierra! This is totally random but I need help with the French work from today! I was wondering if maybe you would mind meeting up to help me?" The text appeared to be from Harley Greene.
"I mean I guess? Where?" I answered, hesitantly.
"The library!" She responded instantly.
"Okay I'll be there in 10." I put my phone in my pocket, threw on my shoes, and picked up my bag.
I walked to the library. It was about a 5 minute walk but I decided to stand outside of the library for a few to gather my thoughts. I had never even spoken to Harley. Harley and her brother are 'popular' whatever that means. I mean I don't hate her but we don't ever speak to one another, we are just complete opposites. Her message threw me off. We had French together but we sat on complete opposite sides of the classroom. She never even looked my way. I didn't even think she knew my name if we are being honest.
I composed myself and walked into the library. I went over to the tables where most Higgs and Truham students sat to study or do work they needed to complete. Harley was sitting at a table in the left corner. I walked over there and sat down across from her, sitting my bag down beside me.
"Hey!" She looked up at me with a smile on her face.
"Hi?" I replied.
"Thank you so much for coming! I know you are like really good at French and well I really need to pass French and I'm struggling." She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.
"You're not that bad!" I read through the practice letter she had written in class that day.
"I need to be better though!" She pulled out a pencil and started doodling on her notebook.
"Okay well." I began.
*An Hour Later*
After an hour, Harley had finally finished another practice letter. I had always learned on my own so I told her to write it alone and ask me for help along the way. When she finished the letter, she thanked me and left the library. Still confused, I left the library behind her.
"Hey Cierra! I want to ask you something." Harley turned around as we left the library.
"Yeah?" I stopped walking.
"Well this was really helpful! I was wondering if maybe you'd be my French tutor? I mean I know they have set people for that but they haven't helped me so far and you actually helped." She put her phone in her pocket.
"Sure! I mean you do seem like you need help." I laughed.
"How dare you! Seriously though I do! Thank you! This means a lot Cierra!" She smiled and turned away from me.
I walked home.
*1 Week Later*
"Charlie!" I knocked on his door.
"Coming!" I heard him moving around in his room.
"What's up?" He opened the door.
"Do you not know what time it is?" I checked my phone.
"I know I know!" He grabbed his bag and shut his door.
We walked to the bus stop.
*At School*
I walked into French. The rest of the day had gone by extremely slow. I didn't get much sleep that night because I was up late texting Harley and helping her with her French project that was due today. I sat next to Elle as usual.
"Hey Elle!" I yawned as I sat down.
"Up all night texting Harley again?" She asked.
"She needed help with that French project!" I pulled out my notebook.
"You two have been hanging out a lot after school recently." Elle looked over at Harley and then back over at me.
"I'm her French tutor? We meet at the library everyday to study." I began writing my essay that I had yet to start.
"I dare you to flirt with her." Elle said.
"Excuse me?" I looked up from my notebook.
"I dare you to flirt with her." Elle repeated.
"Fine. You know I'd never pass up a dare." I looked over at Harley.
"I knew you wouldn't pass this up!" Elle smiled.
"She's straight Elle." I sighed.
"Maybe so." Elle said.
*At Lunch*
When it was time for lunch I sat down at my usual table. I waited for Elle to arrive and then I walked over to where Harley was sitting.
"Hey Harley! Do you mind coming over here for a second?" I smiled.
"Sure!" She stood up from her seat and walked over with me.
"So what's up?" She sat down across from me at the table.
"This should be good." Elle whispered under her breath.
"Cierra?" Harley tapped my shoulder.
"I wanted to tell you something and your friends kind of terrify me." I looked over at her friends.
"Okay?" She gave me a confused look.
"I wonder how my life would be if I had never met you." I started talking.
"What are you talking about?" She looked over at Elle and then back at me.
"I mean you are probably the sweetest person ever. I can't imagine my life without you." I cringed at my flirting.
"Cierra is everything okay? Are you drunk?" Harley grabbed my water bottle and smelled it to make sure it was only water.
"I'm so sorry." I couldn't hold it together anymore I started laughing.
"What the hell just happened!" Harley laughed along with me.
"Elle dared me to flirt with you." I looked over at Elle and laughed even harder.
"That was perfection!" Elle started laughing with us.
"I regret everything." I couldn't stop laughing.
"I'll see you tonight!" Harley walked back over to her table.
"Damn that was fun to watch. You know you suck at flirting right?" Elle picked up her phone off the table.
"I know." I finally stopped laughing and I grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
*At Home*
I walked in the front door. I didn't see anyone else so I went directly to my room. I flopped down onto my bed and fell asleep.
I don't know how long I was asleep but I only woke up when I heard a knock on my door.
"Who is it?" I yelled.
"Open the door please Ci." It was Charlie.
"Charlie?" I opened the door.
"I ended things with that boy I told you about." He had tears in his eyes.
"Charlie...I'm so sorry." I hugged him.
"It's fine. We just were not meant to be." He wiped his tears.
"Charlie you will find the right boy. I promise." I started tearing up.
"Why are you crying?" Charlie looked at me.
"Seeing you upset makes me upset." I wiped my tears.
"I love you Ci." Charlie hugged me.
"I love you too Charlie."
We just sat there for a few minutes crying until Charlie decided to go to bed.
4 months had passed since the first day of the term. Harley and I were good friends (I think). We hung out after school almost everyday. Elle made a couple of friends. Everything was going perfect. Charlie was crushing on some rugby player and would not stop talking about him. He also joined the rugby team.
End of diary entry.
*At Home*
I hear the door swing open. I ran quickly. Charlie had texted me a paragraph freaking out. I was so worried. I hugged him the moment I saw him. He looked upset.
"Charlie what happened?" I asked, worried.
"Ben." He walked over and flopped down on the couch.
"Who?" I sat beside him.
"That guy I told you I was going out with but then I ended things like 4 months ago." He sighed and stared at the floor.
"What about him?" I asked.
"He tried to talk to me after rugby today. When I told him to leave me alone he kissed me. I told him to stop but he wouldn't listen. He only stopped when Nick Nelson pulled him off and told him to piss off." He began tearing up.
"What the fuck. Charlie I'll be right back." I stood up and started walking towards the front door.
"Ci please don't. Don't make it worse. I'm okay. Really." He ran over to me.
"No one hurts my brother and gets away with it." I grabbed my jacket.
"Please. I'm fine." Charlie stood in front of the door.
"Fine. He will hear from me one day." I took off my jacket and went upstairs.

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