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TW: This mini chapter contains mention of homophobia.

Takes place after Harley leaves Cierra's house after Ben and Cierra's fight in episode 2!
Harley's Pov
I walked out of Cierra's house and went straight home. I walked into my front door and straight to my room. I shut the door behind me and locked it. I flopped down on my bed and called my best friend, Imogen.
"Hey Imogen!" I said as she answered the phone.
"Hey Harley what's up?" There was a static.
"You know how I told you I was bisexual?" I sighed and sat up in my bed.
"Yeah what about it?" Her voice glitched.
"Well I think I might not be. I mean I used bisexual as a label because it was the only one I knew but I've been doing some research and I'm starting to think I'm omnisexual. I mean I like everyone. Gender has never really mattered to me BUT I like women more, like I prefer women." I put the phone on speaker and laid on my back.
"That's so cool! What made you do the research?" The background noise on the other end slowly faded.
"Well I think maybe it was Cierra." I looked up at the ceiling.
"Cierra Spring?" Imogen didn't sound shocked.
"Yeah. I think maybe there's a small chance I have a crush on her." I picked up my phone and took it off of speaker.
"I know!" Imogen said, laughing.
"You know?!" I sat up in my bed.
"I mean you practically talk about her all the time! You guys have been hanging out a lot and you've been happier since you've become friends." Imogen's voice continued to get louder as she spoke.
"Have I actually talked about her THAT much?" I laughed.
"All the time!" Imogen laughed.
"You still can't tell anyone! I'm just not sure if I'm ready to come out. I mean you've heard the things my brother and my mother and my father has said about the community. I don't know if I'm ready to be out to them yet and until I come out to them and I don't want anyone to tell them before I do." My smiled faded.
"Trust me! I won't tell anyone. You can tell them whenever you are ready Harls!" Imogen's voice got even louder.
"Thank you. I have to go! I have a French assignment due this week and Cierra told me to try and do it myself so that I can learn." I laid back on my bed.
"Okay! Later." Imogen hung up the phone.

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