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TW: This chapter contains mentions of body image issues, mentions of non-consensual kissing, verbal/physical fighting, homophobia, and bullying.

*Later that Night*
"Hi!" I sent a message to Nick Nelson.
"Hey! You're Charlie's twin sister, right?" He responded almost instantly.
"Yeah! I wanted to ask you something.." I responded adding the question mark emoji after my message.
"What's up?" He responded.
"Can we meet up? I know this sounds like strange since we've never met but do you want to meet at the milkshake cafe?" I texted him back.
"Of course! How about after school tomorrow?" He added a school emoji at the end of his message.
"What about right now? I know it's kind of late but I need to speak with you." I sent the message.
"Okay? I'll be there in 10." He went offline.
*At the Milkshake Cafe*
I sat there waiting for Nick. I had already ordered a milkshake. I had not touched it since I was still waiting for someone. I sat there for 5 minutes when I received a message from Nick saying he had arrived. I told him to meet me by the truck.
"Hi Nick!" I walked over to the milkshake truck.
"Hello!" He smiled as the employee appeared in the window.
"One bubblegum milkshake please!" Nick handed the employee a 5 dollar bill and turned back to face me.
After Nick got his milkshake we went and sat down.
"So, what's up?" Nick asked before taking a drink of his milkshake.
"Thank you." I said right before I took a drink of my milkshake.
"For?" Nick looked at me confused.
"Helping my brother today. He told me about what happened with Ben." I pushed my glass off to the side.
"Oh, that, yeah. How is he by the way?" Nick also pushed his glass off to the side.
"I don't know. Charlie never really talks about how he feels." I sighed, checking my phone for the time.
"Yeah I sort of noticed that in the time we've known each other." He checked his phone as well.
"I'm sorry for dragging you away from your house. I just wanted to thank you." I sighed and pulled my glass towards me and took another sip of my milkshake.
"I'm just glad I was there." Nick grabbed his glass and took a sip of his milkshake.
"Me too." I checked my phone again.
"I guess I should get going home before Charlie gets worried about me." I stood up.
"We should hang out again. We could like all hang out and yeah!" He stood up as well.
"Yeah that sounds good!" I smiled before walking away.
"Cierra! Where the fuck are you?" Charlie messaged me.
"I'm on my way home! I was just out for a bit." I responded to his text.
"Out where?" He sent immediately after I responded.
"Just out. I'll be home shortly." I shut off my phone.
*At Home*
I walked in the front door and up the stairs to my room. I shut the door behind me and flopped down on my bed. I instantly fell asleep.
*The Next Morning*
I woke up 1 hour before I was meant to be on the bus. I decided to lay in bed a little while longer. After 10 minutes I finally decided to get up and put on my school uniform. When I was ready I knocked on Charlie's door.
"Charlie! Are you awake?" I knocked on his door and yelled.
"Yeah give me just a second!" He yelled back.
I ran downstairs and sat down on the couch. We still had 25 minutes left until we had to be at the bus stop. I waited for Charlie. Finally, after 5 minutes, he came downstairs.
"Where did you go last night?" He asked as he sat beside me.
"I went to the milkshake cafe." I finished tying my right shoe.
"Why?" He looked at me with a curious expression on his face.
"To meet someone." I finished tying my left shoe.
"Who?" He asked.
"Just a friend." I answered.
"Who was it!" He said, impatiently.
"Nick!" I yelled as I stood up.
"Nelson?" He stood up as well.
"Yeah." I grabbed my bag off of the floor.
"Why did you go see Nick Nelson? You two have never spoken like ever!" He looked worried.
"I just wanted to thank him for stopping Ben." I put my bag on my shoulder and turned to face Charlie.
"Oh." Charlie put his bag on his shoulder.
"Nick seems like a lovely person. I'm glad you have a friend like him." I turned away and walked to the door.
"Yeah, me too." Charlie followed me out of the house.
"I forgot to mention! Nick said we should all hang out sometime. I think it sounds fun!" I stopped walking.
"Yeah, maybe." Charlie kicked a rock.
"Hello siblings." Tori appeared behind us.
"Tori! Why must you always scare us whenever you show up?" I jumped.
"It's fun!" Tori chuckled.
"For you maybe." Charlie laughed.
"So Charlie I'll come walk home with you after rugby! I have to help Harley with her missing French assignment and then I'll be there!" I started walking again.
"You and Harley have been spending an awful lot of time together over the past few months." Charlie caught up to me.
"I help her with French?" I looked at Charlie.
"Okay, so you two aren't friends?." Charlie asked with a smirk on his face.
"I mean I guess so? I don't know!" I watched my feet as I walked.
"I hope you're not catching feelings for a Greene!" Charlie joked.
"Wha- no- it's nothing like that! We are just study partners." I responded.
"Okay." Tori said.
*At Lunch*
"Today's been hell!" I flopped down at the lunch table across from Elle.
"What's going on?" Elle looked up from her food.
"Just tired." I opened my orange juice bottle.
"Well meet Tara and Darcy! You guys haven't met quite yet!" Elle smiled as two people came and sat beside her.
"Hey my name is Tara!" The girl on the left of Elle smiled.
"I'm Darcy! Nice to meet you!" The person on the right of Elle smiled as well.
"I'm Cierra! Nice to meet both of you as well!" I smiled and re-sealed my orange juice.
"Hey Cierra can we talk about tonight?" Harley appeared behind Darcy.
"What about it?" I looked at her.
"I'm kind of sick of French. Do you maybe want to go to the cinema and watch a film?" She sat down beside Darcy.
"Sure! That sounds like fun. Do you mind if I invite like Nick and Charlie? Charlie could use the distraction and Nick well he's a friend!" I smiled and asked her.
"Of course! I'll see you then!" She stood up and walked away.
*At the Cinema*
I walked into the cinema with Charlie and Nick. We walked down the stairs and Harley ran over to us.
"You came!" Harley sounded relieved.
"Obviously!" I replied.
"Are you guys good with comedy?" Harley asked.
"Yeah!" I said.
"Duh!" Nick said.
"Yep!" Charlie said.
We walked into the room with the screen.
*After the Film*
We walked out of the cinema together, laughing.
"That was fun! We should all hang out again sometime!" Nick suggested.
"Yeah that sounds great!" Harley said enthusiastically.
"Cierra we told Tori we'd be home an hour ago!" Charlie said as he checked his phone.
"Oh fuck, yeah we did. We'll see you soon guys!" I smiled and turned away from the group.
*At Home*
We walked through the door.
"You're late." Tori appeared on the stairs with a glass.
"The film ran longer than expected!" Charlie said, shutting the door.
"Yeah! We didn't expect the movie to last longer than an hour!" I kicked off my shoes.
"Yeah sorry Tori!" Charlie also kicked off his shoes.
"It's fine." She walked back upstairs.
"So you and Nick seem close." I took off my jacket and hung it on the hook.
"He's a really good friend." Charlie said, blushing.
"So you don't like him as anything more than a friend?" I asked.
"Wha- no- I- um maybe." Charlie stumbled over his words.
"It's kind of obvious." I chuckled.
"Is it?" Charlie's facial expression changed from happy to worried.
"Maybe not to anyone else but to me. I mean we've literally known each other our entire lives so yeah I can tell when you like someone." I turned and walked towards the living room.
"You don't think he can tell, right?" Charlie walked quickly beside me.
"It doesn't seem like he really notices, but I don't know." I flopped down on the couch.
"Good. I mean he's straight and I don't want to ruin this friendship because of a stupid little crush." Charlie flopped down on the couch beside me.
"I know how you feel." I said, staring at the ceiling.
"Harley?" Charlie looked over at me.
"That obvious?" I looked over at him.
"I've known you my entire life so yeah." He smiled.
"She is really cool and extremely sweet but I don't even know if we are friends. Sometimes it seems as if we are but others it seems like the only reason she talks to me is because she needs help with French." I said as I looked back up at the ceiling.
"Talk to her. She's nothing like Harry, or at least I hope she's not." Charlie stood up and walked away.
I stood up and walked upstairs behind Charlie. I went into my room and slammed the door.
*The Next Morning*
I was woken up by a repetitive knocking on my bedroom door. I checked my phone before standing up. I noticed I was an hour late to school.
"CIERRA OPEN THE DOOR!" My dad yelled.
"I'M COMING!" I yelled back.
I quickly got dressed and ran down the stairs. I threw on my shoes and grabbed my bag. My dad was waiting outside in the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and shut the door.
"You're late for school!" He said as he started the car.
"I know! I know! I forgot to set my alarm!" I buckled up.
"Charlie and Tori both tried to wake you up." He sighed.
"I didn't hear them!" I said as I rolled down my window.
He drove me to school.
*After School*
I walked out of the building alone. I started walking to the bus stop when suddenly someone stopped me.
"Hey Ci! Where were you in first period today?" I turned around to see Elle.
"I slept in! It wasn't on purpose or anything." I laughed.
"Damn!" Elle said
while laughing.
"Yeah, how was your day?" I sighed and kicked a piece of paper that was on the ground.
"It was good! What about yours?" She said with a smile.
"It was good." I ran over to the bus stop and sat down.
*At Home*
I went home. I heard someone moving around in the living room so I went to check it out.
"Charlie, hey!" I walked into the living room.
"Oh um hi Cierra! Have you seen my red beanie?" Charlie said throwing the pillows off of the couch.
"No why?" I asked.
"Nick invited me over to meet his dog!" Charlie threw the pillows back on the couch.
"Have fun. Does Tori know?" I flopped down on the couch as I did all the time.
"Yeah! I'll see you later." He said as he pulled a red beanie out of the couch cushion.
"Okay! Don't be out too late!" I laughed.
"Okay MOM." He laughed and walked out of the door.
"Hey Harley! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over? I mean Charlie went over to Nick's and Tori is doing homework. It's okay if not!" I texted Harley when Charlie left.
"That actually sounds fun! I'll be there in 10!" She responded almost immediately.
"Okay see you soon!" I turned off my phone.
*10 Minutes Later*
I heard a gentle knock on my front door. I jumped off of the couch and ran to the front door. I took a breath and opened the door.
"Welcome! I kind of completely forgot I gave you my address in case of French emergencies!" I opened the door all the way.
"So what do you want to do?" Harley hung up her jacket.
"We can watch a horror film?" I suggested.
"That actually sounds amazing!" She smiled.
*After the Movie*
"That movie was terrifying!" I shut my computer.
"It honestly was and horror movies don't usually scare me." Harley stood up and stretched.
"What the hell!" I said excitedly.
"What is it?" Harley sat back down.
"It's snowing!" I said, looking out of my living room window.
"Wow! I love the snow!" Harley said as she looked out of the window.
"Me too! You thinking what I'm thinking?" I stood up.
"I think so! Let's go!" She stood up and ran to the door.
She grabbed her jacket and ran outside.
We ran around the yard. Laughing, talking, and just hanging out. I decided to ask Harley a question. A question I'd been dreading the entire time Harley was over at my house.
"Harley I have to ask you something." I sat down in the snow.
"What is it Cierra?" Harley sat down beside me.
"Are we...friends? Or am I just your tutor?" I laid back in the snow and looked towards the sky.
"Cierra, we are friends. I think you're honestly so cool. I'm sorry if you thought anything different." She laid back in the snow.
"That's a relief because I think you're really cool." My back got really cold so I quickly sat up.
"Oh shit! What time is it?" Harley say up very quickly.
"Um hold on." I stood up and walked inside to grab my phone.
I went outside and told her the time.
"OH! I have to go! My mom told me to be home like 20 minutes ago!" She walked back into the house.
"Okay! Well I'll see you later!" I smiled as she walked to the door.
Harley opened the door. She wasn't paying attention and bumped directly into someone.
"Oh hey Charlie!" Harley said before running outside.
"Hey Harley!" Charlie walked inside.
"Later Cierra!" Harley waved as Charlie shut the door.
"So how was Nick's?" I walked over and hung my jacket up.
"It was good!" He kicked off his shoes.
"I'm glad you had fun. I'm going to go upstairs." I turned away from Charlie and walked upstairs.
I went into my room and shut the door. I looked in the mirror.
What is wrong with my legs?
Why do my arms look like that?
Why can't I just look like the girls at Higgs?
I turned away from the mirror and sat down on my bed. I laid back and stared at the ceiling. Before I knew it I was asleep.
*2 Days Later*
"Nick's coming round!" Charlie ran down the stairs yelling.
"We know you told us?" Tori and I said as we walked out of our rooms.
Charlie ran to the door and opened it.
"Hey!" Nick stood in the doorway.
"Hey!" Charlie said.
"Come in!" Charlie moved out of the way and let Nick in.
"Hey Cierra!" Nick waved as I walked down the stairs.
"Hi Nick!" I waved and smiled.
"I'll be in my room." Tori took a sip of her lemonade and went into her room.
"Well I'm going to the milkshake cafe with Elle, Tara, Darcy, and Tao!" I put on my shoes.
"Okay!" Nick smiled and kicked off his shoes.
"See you later Charlie!" I smiled and walked outside.
"See you later!" Charlie shut the door.
*At the Milkshake Cafe*
"TAO!" I ran over to the group.
"CIERRA!" Tao ran over and hugged me.
"It's been like forever since we saw each other." I laughed.
"It really has." He walked over to Elle.
"Hey Tara! Hey Darcy!" I hugged them.
"How are you?" Darcy asked.
"Good! I actually wanted to ask you something." I stopped walking.
"What's up?" Tara stopped walking as well.
"Are you two dating?" I looked at Darcy and then at Tara.
"Yes. Please don't tell anyone I'm not out yet!" Tara said.
"I won't! You guys are literally perfect for each other." I smiled and hugged Tara and then I hugged Darcy.
"Well I'm sure you'll find a girl as perfect for you as Tara is for me!" Darcy threw her arm around me.
"I keep forgetting she came out last year!" Tara put her arm around Darcy.
We walked towards the table. Before I could sit down I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye and Charlie's words just filled my head.
"Ci please don't. Don't make it worse. I'm okay. Really"
I ran over to the boy.
"Ben?" I tapped his shoulder.
"Who the hell are you?" He turned around and asked.
"You may know my brother, Charlie Spring." I crossed my arms.
"I've heard that name before. Never spoke to him." Ben looked over at his friends and laughed.
"Come here. NOW!" I grabbed his jacket and dragged him away from everyone.
"Damn! What the fuck is your problem?" He brushed off his jacket.
"You are my problem." I pointed at him.
"What the fuck are you on about?" He asked.
"You don't ever touch my brother again. I understand not wanting to be out but HE TOLD YOU TO STOP KISSING HIM! I don't want you to even look at my brother. This is not a threat. This is a demand. Leave him alone. You don't deserve him. He deserves better." I turned away from Ben as I spoke.
"He told you?" Ben said in an angry tone.
"I went though his messages and questioned him about it. Just leave him alone." I rubbed my forehead, still looking away from Ben.
"Fuck you Cierra!" Ben shouted.
"So you do know my name." I turned to face Ben.
"Maybe I do. You're brother is pathetic and so are you." He laughed.
"Alright that's it." I swung and punched him.
"CIERRA WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Tao ran over, followed by the rest of the group.
"Nothing." I turned away from Ben.
"Yeah walk away! Go find a girl to kiss, gross!" Ben yelled.
"Oh hell no." Darcy ran over and pushed Ben to the ground.
"DARCY!" Tara ran over and dragged Darcy away from Ben.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" Someone ran up to us.
"Nick why are you and Charlie here?" I turned around.
"Someone sent me a text saying that my sister was at the milkshake cafe. We ran here, literally." Charlie walked over to me, out of breath.
"I told you to leave it alone Cierra!" Charlie looked at Ben who had just managed to stand up.
"Charlie I'm sorry. I saw him and I just got angry." I sighed and turned away from Ben.
"Hey Charlie, Cierra, let's go back to your house. Away from this mess." Nick walked over to us.
"Yeah run away with your brother and his boyfriend!" Ben yelled towards us.
"Charlie I can't." I turned around and ran towards Ben.
"What are you going to do? Punch me again?" Ben turned to his friends and laughed.
"No. I won't. You want to know why? Because you're not worth it." I turned away and walked back towards Nick and Charlie.
I ignored anything else Ben said and we just walked home.
*At Home*
"Cierra why did you do that!" Charlie said as he opened the front door.
"I'm sorry. I just, I saw him and I couldn't do it. I needed to say something." I walked in behind Charlie.
"Cierra I know we don't know each other that well but fighting is never the answer." Nick walked in behind me.
"I'm going upstairs." I sighed as I kicked off my shoes.
"Well Nick and I are going to finish this movie so I'll check on you whenever he leaves." Charlie took off his shoes.
I went upstairs and laid down in my bed. I just sat there staring at the ceiling until eventually someone knocked on my door.
"Ci are you in there?" It was Harley.
"Come in." I sat up.
"I heard what happened today, are you okay?" She came and sat beside me.
"Yeah I'm fine." I looked over at Harley.
Her eyes. Her lips. Her facial expression. Her hair.
"Cierra?" She interrupted my thoughts.
"Hm what?" I looked away from her.
"You were staring, are you okay?" She looked out of my window.
"Yeah um sorry just thinking." I looked back at Harley.
"About?" Harley said, still looking out of the window.
"Oh um nothing important!" I lied.
"Cierra what's up?" Harley looked at me.
"Nothing!" I lied again.
"Okay? Well I told my mom I'd only be out for a few! I'll see you tomorrow." She stood up and waved as she left the room.
I got up and shut the door and then I went back and laid down. Before I could close my eyes someone else knocked on my door.
"Come in." I sat back up.
"Hey Ci. Are you okay?" Charlie said as he walked into the room.
"Yeah I'm fine Charlie!" I smiled.
"I love you Ci. Thank you. Although fighting is the worst possible way to deal with that you did it for me and for that, thank you." Charlie sat down beside me.
"I love you too. I shouldn't have hit him I know but what he did to you? I just couldn't let him get away with it." I hugged Charlie and sighed.
"I know." Charlie smiled.
We sat there talking for a few until Charlie left the room.

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