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TW: This chapter contains mentions of body image issues, homophobia, fainting, verbal arguments, underage drinking, SH, bullying, and ED

*The Next Morning*
I woke up with a headache. The sun was bright and shining through my yellow curtains. I grabbed my phone off of my nightstand and checked my notifications, nothing. I could not remember much from my birthday. I got up slowly and walked to Charlie's room. It was a Sunday so I knew he'd be home. I knocked in the door but I didn't get a response so I went to Tori's room and knocked. When she didn't respond I checked the time. 2:39 in the afternoon. I knocked again. This time Tori answered the door.
"How are you feeling?" Tori leaned against her doorway with a cup in hand as always.
"Tired. I have a headache. What even happened yesterday?" I rubbed my forehead.
"You drank half a bottle of vodka and then went to the party." Tori took a sip through her straw.
"Oh no. No no no no." I leaned into the wall and put my hand over my eyes.
"Harley brought you home and helped you get into bed and then she told me what happened and left." Tori took another sip through her straw.
"I need to apologize to everyone!" I sighed and moved my hand.
"If you don't mind me asking why did you drink the bottle?" Tori asked.
"I was so nervous because it was the first time I invited Harley to a party and with Elle and I like just recently making up I didn't want things to be awkward." I said before walking to Charlie's room to knock yet again.
I knocked once. No response. I knocked again. Still no response. I knocked one more time. This time he opened the door.
"Hello!" Charlie looked tired.
"I knocked like 3 times Charlie!" I smiled.
"Sorry I had my headphones in." He rubbed his eyes.
"I am so so sorry about yesterday!" I apologized.
"How are you feeling?" Charlie ignored my apology.
"I'm just a little tired. I am so sorry Charlie. I ruined our birthday!" I apologized again but before he could respond our mom yelled my name.
"Coming!" I yelled as I started making my way downstairs.
At the bottom of the stairs stood my mom with her arms crossed. She knew.
"Anything you want to tell me?" She tapped her foot against the ground.
"Mom I'm sorry." I sat on the middle step.
"So you're drinking alcohol now?" She said in a disappointed tone.
"I'm sorry!" I crossed my arms.
"I am so disappointed in you." She shook her head.
"Nothing new." I whispered.
"Pardon?" She stopped crossing her arms.
"I said nothing new." I said loud enough so she could hear me.
"What's that suppose to mean?" My mother was getting angry.
"You're always disappointed in me. I just can't seem to make you proud can I?" At this point Charlie, Tori, Oliver, and our father were standing around us.
"You have no idea what I'm dealing with mom! I'm trying to be your perfect golden child but I'm so fucking tired!" I stood angrily.
"Language." My dad said.
"You're tired? YOU'RE FUCKING TIRED? I'VE HAD TO RAISE 4 KIDS." She shouted.
"Momma why are you yelling?" Oliver looked up at her.
"I try mom. I try to be who you want me to be but I'm not perfect! I'm not smart. I'm not even pretty! I'm just a loser who can't do anything right anymore!" I yelled back.
"Maybe if you tried harder. Maybe if you out a little effort into school and just yourself you wouldn't feel that way!" She yelled again.
"Try harder? I've been trying." I quieted my voice.
"Not hard enough apparently." She also quieted her voice.
"Please stop fighting!" Charlie screamed.
"I'm sorry I'm such a disappointment. I'm sorry I can't be your ideal daughter." I sat back down.
"You're right. You aren't my ideal daughter. My ideal daughter wouldn't drink, she would try harder to be better. You aren't trying." My mom walked away.
"I HATE YOU!" I yelled and then ran out the front door.
No shoes. No coat. No socks. Just regret. I ran down the street, unsure of where I was even heading. I walked for a moment when I decided to call Darcy. It rung three times and then she answered.
"Darcy can I come over?" At this point in time I had tears streaming down my face.
"Ci are you okay? What's going on?" She sounded as if she had only just woken up.
"I'm fine. Can I come over?" I lied and asked again.
"Of course." Before Darcy could say anything else I hung up the phone.
I walked to Darcy's house and knocked on the door. Darcy opened the door and instantly gave me a hug. She let me in. She texted someone but didn't say a word. 15 minutes later there was a knock in the front door. Darcy got up and walked to the door. She opened it and in the doorway stood Charlie, Tao, Elle, Issac, Harley, Nick, and Tara. She let them enter. Charlie ran to me and hugged me. Elle and Tao stood next to each other, looking at me. Tara and Darcy sat on opposite sides of me. Issac sat in the only chair and continued to read. Nick sat in a chair next to Issac.
"I should have said something Ci. I should have stuck up for you." Charlie let go of me and sat in a chair next to Nick.
"What happened?" Nick asked.
"My mom and I fought. It's really no big deal. Charlie it's honestly fine. You don't need to worry about it!" I wiped away the tears that were streaming down my face.
"Cierra you know you can talk to us right?" Harley sat on the floor.
"It's no big deal!" I yelled causing everyone to jump.
"I'm sorry." I ran out of the house.
Their whispers followed me. Unable to make out what they were saying I ran and I ran until eventually I couldn't run anymore. I ended up by a bus bench. I sat down to catch my breath. Moments later Harley arrived. She sat beside me.
"Cierra are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine can you just go?" I said without looking at her.
"If you really want me too." Harley said.
"Harley I think we should break up." I looked at her.
"What?" I heard her voice break.
"I'm putting you through too much. You'd be better off if we just never spoke again." I looked away from her again.
"Ci what are you talking about?" She put her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Harley." I pushed her hand off of my shoulder.
"Cierra please." She had tears forming in her eyes.
"I'll see you around Harley." I walked away with tears in my eyes.
*A Few Days Later (May 2nd)*
I checked my phone as I did every morning. A message from Harley would appear at the same time everyday. She always said the same thing 'can we talk?' For a few days I ignored these messages. I finally blocked her. I sat up and got ready for school.
*At School*
I walked into French class and sat in the back of the classroom. Harley had not been to school in a few days so I wasn't worried about seeing her in class. I put my head down and fell asleep. I dreamt of the fights I'd recently had with my mother. All that yelling. Charlie and I hadn't spoken much, although he and Tori tried to talk to me everyday. I opened my eyes as the bell rang.
*At Lunch*
I sat at my usual lunch table silently. Elle, Tara, and Darcy spoke to me but I wasn't listening. I felt a tap on my shoulder, Imogen. I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I asked with an attitude.
"We need to talk." She said.
"Whatever." I said as she sat down beside me.
"Elle, Tara, Darcy do you mind going over there?" Imogen pointed over to an empty table and my friends went over there to sit.
"If this is about how I hurt Harley again I'm going to lose it." I turned to face her.
"Harley just wants to talk." Imogen sighed.
"Tell her I already said what I needed to say. I'm done talking." I turned away from her as the bell rang.
I walked to my next class.
*2 Days Later*
Elle's birthday. Elle was never really a huge party type of person but Darcy insisted. Tara and Darcy planned everything. They invited the entire school plus most of the students from Truham. Charlie and I had been talking more and more over the past two days so we planned to arrived together. We were picking Nick up on the way and then picking up Tao.
*At the Party*
It was packed. People I didn't even recognize were dancing around to the music. I quietly sat in the corner. I got up to leave but Tara stopped me.
"Stay for a few more minutes please?" She said with a smile.
"Fine." I sat back down.
"Alright alright everyone quiet down! Someone wants to say a few words." Darcy said into the microphone she held in her hand.
"Okay hi. Oh gosh." A familiar voice echoed through my ears.
"Hello my name is Harley Greene!" I heard.
"What the hell is she doing?" I asked Tara who didn't answer.
"Happy birthday by the way Elle!" Harley said.
"I just wan-" Harley was cut off my Harry screaming.
"GET DOWN HERE AND DANCE." Harry was drunk.
Harley must have listened because the music started playing again. I grabbed a drink, and then another, and then another. That's when Darcy yelled.
"LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" She screamed.
"Darcy's drunk already, isn't she?" I looked at Tara.
"I mean we all are. Me, Darcy. Tao, Elle, and Charlie." Tara turned her head towards me.
"I'm sorry what?" I downed my 8th drink.
"So are you." Tara laughed.
"Maybe so but CHARLIE?" I grabbed my ninth drink.
"Yep. Let's go play!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me over to a large circle of people.
"Alright Harley truth or dare?" Darcy pointed to Harley who was also visibly drunk.
"Dare!" She screamed.
"Okay I dare you too kiss Aiden." Harry interrupted Darcy.
"That's not a good idea." Harley said.
"Do it!" Harry started chanting.
I don't know if she actually did it. I got up and started dancing alone. Tears filled my eyes. I still cared for her. I almost fell when Nick ran over to make sure I was okay. He looked sober, or so I thought.
"I've had a bit too much to drink Cierra but are you okay?" He asked with a smile.
"Fine." I lied and stumbled my way to the drunk stand to pour myself another drink.
"HEY CIERRA TRUTH OR DARE?" I heard Ben yell from across the room.
"Truth." I stumbled back to the group.
"You ever had like kissed someone here?" Ben asked.
"No." I lied again.
"You have to tell the truth." Ben was laughing.
"She kissed someone? How do you know?" Elle looked at me and then at Ben.
"I saw them." My eyes darted to Ben.
"What?" I blinked three times really quickly.
"She kissed me!" I heard someone yell.
"What?" I heard someone else say.
The voices flooded my head. The next thing I know everything went dark. When the light returned I was in the same spot. Everyone still whispering. I rubbed my eyes and suddenly everyone went silent.
"Cierra you're okay!" I heard Charlie yell.
"What happened?" I sat up.
"You fainted!" Harley said.
"Damn." I stood up and walked over to the drink table.
"No more drinks." Harley took my cup out of my hand.
"Harley give me back my cup." I tried to grab it from her.
"No." She threw it in the trash.
"Whatever." I grabbed another cup when she wasn't looking and downed it.
"CIERRA!" Harley took that cup as well.
"The last thing I remember is Ben saying he saw me kissing someone." I sat on the table.
"They know Cierra. They know about us." Harley sat beside me.
"How?" I looked at her.
"I told them." She looked towards the group.
"Why?" I asked.
"I like you a lot Ci. I want to be with you." Harley grabbed my hand.
"Harley we are both so drunk." I laughed.
"We are." She pulled me up and we started dancing.
Before I knew it everyone was dancing. We were all having a great time. We were all drunk. Eventually it was time for us all to go home. I hated my house. My mom constantly yelled at me so I decided to go home with Elle.
*The Next Day At School*
Harley retuned to school but everything seemed different. She stayed quiet. People kept staring at her and whispering about her. I remembered everything. Harley walked into the classroom. She sat beside me and smiled.
"Harley I never really got the chance to apologize." I sighed.
"For what?" She had a confused look on her face.
"For not doing this before." I looked around and then kissed her.
"Wow I sure did miss that." She was blushing.
"I didn't want to break up I just though it would be better for you." I held her hand under the table.
"Why are you holding my hand under the table?" She asked.
"Because." I smiled.
She pulled her hand away and grabbed my hand above the table. Everyone was staring at us but we didn't care. We just sat there talking and laughing until the teacher walked in.
When class was over Harley and I walked hand in hand to the next class but before she went left and I went right I asked her a question.
"Harley are we like officially girlfriends now? Like public?" I asked.
"Yes!" She kissed my cheek and went left.
I walked into my classroom.
*At Lunch*
Harley got sick right before lunch so she went home early. I sat down as usual.
"So...can we talk Elle?" I was afraid she'd be angry.
"About?" She didn't sound angry.
"I know Harley told you." I opened my orange juice.
"Oh yeah I'm happy for you two!" Tara, Darcy, and Elle all said.
"You're not mad Elle?" I sipped my orange juice.
"Why would I be? I mean I'm really happy for you two!" She drank her apple juice.
"3 years ago I would have told you that Harley would have never spoken to me, now I'm telling you she's my girlfriend." It still felt unreal to say our loud.
"So it's official? You two are like girlfriends?" Darcy said trying to contain her excitement.
"Yeah, it's official!" I confirmed.
"How did Harry take it?" Tara asked.
"I have no idea. I haven't really had the chance to ask Harley and if he didn't take it well I don't want to upset her." I took another sip of my orange juice.
"You look gross." A girl said as she walked past my table.
"Do you mind repeating that?" I stood up and turned towards her.
"I mean did you even try to get ready today? You look I don't know, sick?" She turned back to face me.
"I-" I almost yelled but then the bell rang.
I walked to my next class.
*After School*
When the final bell rang I ran out of the classroom. I ran straight to the doors where I met Harley.
"Hey!" Harley grabbed my hand.
"Hey Harley!" I smiled.
"How was your day?" She asked as we left the building.
"It was good." I decided not to tell her about lunch.
"Sorry I had to leave early. I wasn't feeling very well. I'm feeling better now though so I can walk you home!" She kissed my hand.
"You are the sweetest." I kissed her hand.
"So do you want to get a milkshake? Like an official date?" She asked.
"Of course! I have to ask you something Harley." I stopped walking.
"What's going on?" Her smile faded as she heard the tone in my voice shift.
"How did Harry take it?" I was fully prepared for her to ignore the question.
"Not well. He hasn't spoken to me since the party. He keeps giving me weird looks whenever he sees me. Same thing with my parents." Her tone of voice shifted.
"Harley I'm so sorry." I gave her a hug.
"It's alright love." She smiled with a tear in her eye.
We walked home in silence. Harley started feeling sick again so we didn't go get a milkshake. I walked her to her house and then I went home. I walked into the door and my mother was standing on the stairs.
"Hello." I said.
"Hello." She returned my energy.
"How was your day?" She asked, crossing her arms.
I didn't say anything. I tried to walk past her.
"Don't ignore me Cierra." My mother sounded angry.
"I'm not talking to you." I rolled my eyes.
"Are you seriously still mad about our fight? You know what I said was true!" My mom said as Charlie, Nick, Tori, and Oliver ran in.
"I don't want to talk to you." I said yet again.
"Why can't you just be perfect like Oliver!" Her words repeated in my head before finally I snapped.
"Because Oliver is 7 fucking years old mom. You treat me as though I'm the worst child you've ever raised. You make me hate myself!" I couldn't keep it in, I screamed.
"I hate you." I ran upstairs, full of regret, and locked myself in my room.
I sat on my bed until I heard a faint knock on my bedroom door. I ignored it but the knock grew louder. I finally gave in and opened the door. It was Charlie and Nick.
"Hey Charlie. Hi Nick." I was relieved it wasn't my mom.
"Hey, are you okay?" Charlie asked.
"I will be." I faked a smile.
"We should go get milkshakes. You know to cheer you up?" Charlie suggested.
"That's a great idea!" Nick agreed.
"Sure." I grabbed my jacket off of my bed.
"Okay meet us downstairs!" Nick said.
*At the Milkshake Cafe*
We arrived. I sat down silently and stared off towards the trees as Nick and Charlie went to order the milkshakes. Charlie got his usual: A chocolate milkshake. He loves chocolate milkshakes. Nick ordered a bubblegum milkshake as always. I find Nick's taste in milkshakes unique. Bubblegum is not a very common flavor. I asked them to order me a vanilla milkshake. It sounds basic but it's my favorite.
They walk over. Nick carrying two milkshakes, Charlie carrying only one. Nick sits across from me and sits the vanilla milkshake on the table in front of me. Charlie sits beside me and places his milkshake directly in front of him. Nick sits his bubblegum milkshake in front of him. They both have huge smiles on their face.
"Why are you two so smiley?" I removed the cherry from the top of my milkshake.
"It's a lovely day isn't it?" Charlie seems too smiley.
"Okay now I'm scared. What is happening?" I eat the cherry as Charlie's phone buzzes.
"Soon!" Charlie days after checking his phone.
"Soon? What are you talking about?" I place the cherry stem down on the table next to my milkshake glass.
"You'll see!" Nick spoke.
"Ominous..." I took a sip of my milkshake and smiled slightly.
Exactly 5 minutes later I hear someone yell Charlie's name. I knew the voice.
"Elle?" I turned around to see Elle running towards our table.
"Hey Ci!" Elle sat beside me.
Following her was Tara, Darcy, Tao, Issac, and Tori.
"Okay seriously can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" I say confused.
"Well I texted the squad! Oh hey Harley!" He waves to someone.
"Hey guys!" Harley walks over and sits beside Nick.
"Why is everyone here?" I look around at everyone. They all have huge smiles on their faces.
"Well you obviously know that our birthday was...well something." Charlie laughed.
"That was like a week ago Charlie." I said still very confused.
"Well we decided to throw a party. Like a re-do birthday party." Nick looked at Charlie with a bigger smile than before.
"Why?" I asked.
"It sounded fun when we planned it." Elle said.
"So when is this party?" I asked, actually interested.
"Tonight." Harley said.
"What?" I coughed.
"Well when we were walking home Charlie texted me. He said he wanted to do like a party thing so I changed our plans and said I was sick. Charlie and Nick said they'd get you to the milkshake cafe and then we all would arrive minutes later. We planned this all afternoon." Harley checked her phone.
"Planned what?" I asked.
"Follow us!" Nick jumped out of the seat.
"Okay?" I was skeptical.
I followed the group to a clearing within the trees. Oliver was sitting in the middle of the clearing with Tori who had disappeared from the milkshake cafe. Suddenly a random song started playing on a stereo im the corner of the clearing. Harley grabbed my arm and dragged me to where Oliver was. Next thing I know Oliver, Harley, Nick, Tao, Charlie, Tori, Elle, Issac, Tara, Darcy, and I were all dancing.
As we danced my mind wasn't focused mon my fight with my mom. I was having fun. I was happy. When the music stopped Harley handed me a bag.
"I didn't get the chance to give this to you on your birthday so here it is now." She kissed my forehead.
"You didn't have t-" I started but she interrupted me.
"Just open it!" She laughed.
I pulled a circle shaped item out of the pastel yellow bag. It was wrapped in pastel yellow paper with little owls on it. Owls are my favorite animal. The white handles of the bag feel weak. I set the bag on the ground as I unwrap the circle shaped item. I place the wrapping paper in the bag and a smile grows across my face.
"No way. You kept this?" I laughed.
"Once I figured out what it said I vowed to keep it. I have a copy of it in my room." Harley laughed.
"What is it?" Nick asked curiously.
"When I first started having feelings for Harley I wrote a note. Since Harley wasn't the best at French I wrote a letter in French and confessed my feelings. She glued it onto a piece of wood and cut around the letter to make it a circle but all the words are still there." I said as I read the note.
"What does it say? English version please!" Darcy sounded enthusiastic.
Dear Harley,
You may never be able to read this and to be honest I don't know if I even want you to know what's within this note because you are 100% straight but like if I don't say how I feel at least once I'll never know. I like you. I mean like like you. You are the coolest and most amazing person. If you ever do learn to read this note (NO GOOGLE TRANSLATE lol) then I hope we can still be friends at least.
Love, Cierra.
I read the note out loud to everyone.
"I didn't use Google translate by the way. I used our French textbook." Harley said once I finished reading it.
"Good." I laughed.
We all laughed. Genuine laughs. A laugh I havent heard from Charlie in months. A loathe I haven't heard from myself I'm. A while. The music started up again and we started dancing again.
At the end of the day Charlie, Tori, Oliver, and I went home.
*2 Months Later (August 1st)*
Harley and I were really good. Tara, Darcy, Harley, and I had been on multiple double dates since our relationships were public. Of course there were moments when I hated everything. I still felt like I wasn't good enough. I hadn't been staying at home. The night after the milkshake cafe my mom and I go into a huge fight. I packed a bag and came to Elle's. I'd been staying there ever since. Tao and I had been hanging out a lot more. We became really close friends. Nick and I also hung out a lot (with Charlie of course). Harry was being Harry and he didn't stop being homophobic but I tried my best to ignore the things he said. Ben hadn't spoken to me since Elle's birthday. Harley is passing French! I don't know if I've written about this before but I play the clarinet in my school Orchestra. We have another concert at Truham and our director has been having us practice every day for hours at a time. The concert is in two days. We only have two more rehearsals until the concert. Elle and Tao still don't know about Nick and Charlie. Issac sort of knows. Harley found out because she walked in on them kissing. Having a public relationship felt weird for a short while. I mean I've never really been in a relationship and now I'm literally dating the popular girl. After a while people stopped looking at us weird, oh god I love her, did I just write that? Yes I did. Is it too early to say it? I don't know! I don't want to scare her away. Okay okay I'm rambling. I have to get to rehearsal now I forgot we had rehearsal today so actually we have three left until the concert but after this one we have two. I'll write soon. My brother says I need to write in this more, okay later! - Cierra.
*At Rehearsal*
I sat down next to Tara. I pulled out my clarinet and we started practicing.
"Don't forget we have a concert at Truham in two days." The teacher said as we finished rehearsal.
"Another one?" Darcy sighed.
"I think Higgs and Truham are literally just one school." Tara said as she put away her clarinet.
"I mean same sex schools are a pointless idea and I'm saying that as a total Lesbian." Darcy laughed, putting her trumpet away.
"Ew she's so gross." Some girls across from us started laughing.
"Lesbians are so gross." Another girl laughed.
"What the fuck is their problem?" Tara was annoyed.
"They think being homophobic makes them cool when in reality it doesn't." I sealed my clarinet case.
"People we're not like this before our relationship was posted online." Tara looked stressed.
"Darcy will throw cheese at them." I laughed and pointed at Darcy.
"I will. I have cheese left over from lunch!" Darcy opened her bag.
"No no it's fine. Why do you have cheese in your bag?" Tara laughed.
"Have you never heard of anti-homophobia cheese?" Darcy laughed.
We all laughed and left the room. I went the Elle's. Tara and Darcy went to the milkshake cafe.
*Final Rehearsal*
I ran into the gym. Nick and Charlie were standing across from each other. I ran to where I was supposed to sit. The teacher yelled for Charlie. Tara now stood in front of Nick talking. I couldn't read their lips so I don't know what they talked about but Tara looked all smiley and so did Nick. Darcy appears behind Tara and plays her trumpet causing Tara to jump. They say something. Eventually Nick left. Charlie sat down at his drum set.
"Oliver's been asking about you. He wants to know why you haven't been home." Charlie said as he opened his bag and pulled his drumsticks out.
"Charlie i just can't come home. It doesn't feel like home anymore" I took out my clarinet.
"Home isn't just a building Cierra it's family and friends and people you allow yourself to care about. Those people are your home." Charlie was right.
"Cierra do you want to meet us for lunch today?" Tara sat down beside me.
"Sure!" I smiled.
"Another one!" Darcy said as Nick told her about Charlie.
"Don't tell anyone please? I'm not really out to anyone yet." Nick asked.
"Do you want to be out to people?" Darcy asked.
"I don't even know what to label myself." Nick shrugged his shoulders.
"Tara didn't know she was a lesbian until after our 6th kiss." Darcy laughed.
"It was our second kiss!" Tara corrected Darcy.
"You don't have to figure it out right away Nick." I finally spoke.
"I know." Nick smiled.
"TRIPLE DATE!" Darcy yelled out of no where.
"What?" I laughed.
"Nick and Charlie, Tara and I, and you and Harley, we can get milkshakes before the concert tomorrow like a proper triple date!" Darcy sounded excited.
"Milkshakes sound good." Nick smiled.
"I'm in!" I drank the last sip of my orange juice.
*That Night*
'Meddling Gays'
"We should make this a quadruple date." Darcy texted the group chat.
"Tao and Elle?" Tara responded.
"I knew they liked each other!" I responded.
"Are they dating?" Nick messaged and asked.
"Sadly no." Tara responded.
"They like each other?" Charlie finally texted the group chat.
"Most definitely!" Darcy texted.
"Also don't tell them about Nick and I. They don't know yet." Charlie responded.
"Of course we won't tell them!" Darcy responded.
I turned my phone off and went to sleep.
*At the Milkshake Cafe*
We all ordered our drinks. I ordered my vanilla milkshake as I do every time. Harley ordered a caramel milkshake. Nick ordered his usual bubblegum milkshake and Charlie ordered the chocolate milkshake. Elle ordered a banana milkshake. Darcy's and Tara both ordered strawberry milkshakes.
We all sat laughing and taking.
"We are getting a second milkshake right?" Tao said.
"Yes." I said.
"Charlie let's go get them!" Nick stood up.
Everyone ordered the same drink. A few moments passed and Charlie yelled for Tao. Before I knew it both Charlie and Nick walked over. I was zoning out and staring at the trees so I have no idea what the conversation was about.
"We thought it'd be nice to go on quadruple date." Nick's words snapped me back to reality.
"Quadruple?" Elle said in a surprised tone.
"Yeah, you and Tao, Tara and Darcy, Harley and Cierra, and." Nick said.
"Wait you and Charlie? So are you two actually together?" Elle asked.
"Yeah. Don't tell Tao he doesn't know yet." Charlie said.
"Oh. My. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU. Nick I'm happy for you as well but the pining was starting to drive me INSANE." Elle laughed.
"Intense pining?" Nick laughed.
"Oh it was embarrassing. He would talk about you non-stop!" I finally spoke.
"That's cute." Nick smiled at Charlie.
"Cierra talked about Harley so much before they got together." Charlie changed the subject.
"Don't expose me like that!" I laughed.
"That's also really cute." Harley grabbed my hand.
"So the concert starts in like 10 minutes." Tao sat down.
We all drank our milkshakes rather quickly.
When we finished our milkshakes we walked to the school and inside. We were late. Nick sat with Charlie sat the drums. I prepared myself. Some girls said something about Tara and she took off and Darcy followed. A few minutes later our teacher looked confused.
"Has anyone seen Tara and Darcy?" She yelled into the crowd.
"Nick, Charlie, ELLE, TAO!" I whispered Nick and Charlie's name and then yelled for Elle and Tao.
We all got out of our seats and ran through the halls. We checked every single room.
"TARA? DARCY?" We were all screaming.
"WE ARE IN HERE WE GOT LOCKED IN!" I heard a voice yell.
We ran and then Nick pushed a locked door open.
"You guys need to go!" Nick said.
Harley was also with us. Tara and Darcy ran hand in hand. Behind them Nick and Charlie, me and Harley, and then Elle. Tao ran far behind the group.
We arrived and sat back down. The audience took their seats. I smiled at Harley as she sat next to Nick.
We began playing.

Teen Years [Heartstopper]Where stories live. Discover now