Part 26: Repercussion

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  "Empty" Would be a generous way to describe how you felt returning to the normal grounds.

  You didn't remember passing out, you didn't even remember going to a room to pass out. There was simply a gap in your memory from the time you exited the elevator to the next morning, when you felt a hand on your shoulder.


The morning after the horrible events leading up to and including the class trial heralded a grand total of... 7 people gathering in the dining hall. An average turnout, maybe if one had a large friend group.

"Don't be stupid guys, there's no way I'd die!" Kaito remarked to try and bring the mood up. The discussed incident had immediately followed your usual premature departure from the trials, following blood loss, a lack of care for the perished Blackened, or both.

To summarize, Kokichi happened. To actually summarize, Kaito had tried to physically fight a beat-up Kokichi, only to get punched in the stomach, and cough so hard that your idea of a days worth of blood poured out of his mouth. It was concerning for everyone who had seen it, except for Kokichi himself, to no surprise.

"Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard? Or suffering from a chronic illness—" Keebo tried to offer a helping hand, to no avail.

"Don't be stupid! If I had a chronic illness, I wouldn't stand a chance in astronaut training!" Kaito pointed out.

"Seriously, you guys are worrying too much. Just cuz you all love me and can't help yours—"

"Ugh. Where's Y/n?" Tenko asked, stopping Kaito where he stood.

"Oh, wasn't he with you?" Tsumugi asked.

"He usually is, but he never turned up after the trial. I was so distracted trying to help calm down Himiko's crying, I lost track of him." Tenko shook her head, bummed out.

"He didn't answer his door in the morning, and I didn't hear him asleep in there, so I don't think he's in bed, so where could he be?" She sighed.

"Is he in the kitchen again? Last time a trial ended he was making breakfast." Himiko reminded her.

"Oh! Great idea, Himiko!" Tenko perked up at the suggestion, dashing across the room towards the kitchen.

  "Hey! You in—" She stopped shortly after looking in, indicating her lack of success.

"No?" Shuichi asked.

  "No. I'll go check in his lab. If he's not there, then I'm calling an emergency!" Tenko told everyone. With the declaration, she was walking across the school again.

Several turns, stairs, and more turns soon brought her to the hall leading to your lab. As Tenko approached, the loud rumbling of a blasting song soon became audible. A second after she heard the echoing trails of songs, a variety of scents began to hit her nose.

If she had ever been asked about your taste in music, Tenko would have guessed that you listened to either no music or something soft and fun. What echoed from your room was instead blasting drums, electric guitar, and... were those lyrics Latin?

"Um..." Tenko slowly approached your door as the lyrics became more audible.

"Benedictus! Et Affectus! Beneditus, hallelujah..." Confusion was all that crossed her mind as she slowly opened the door to... a not so unexpected sight.

You were standing in your kitchen area, slowly swaying as a dish of lasagna was placed alongside some kind of casserole, pie, pot of spaghetti, and several other savory dishes. The music was almost deafening at this point, coming from a stereo that rested on a couch across the room. Before Tenko decided to approach you, curiosity overtook her, and she approached the stereo as a new song played.

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