Chapter One

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I used to think my life started the moment I met Mal. He had been my home for as long as I could remember. But I think everything before now has just been a prologue. A comforting blanket protecting me from my true life, one yet to come.

Laying here on this skiff, Mal dying at my side, I couldn't stop thinking that this was just the beginning. No matter how much I wanted it to be the end, to die here with my best friend and reunite in our meadow in the after life. However, that would be too easy, too kind a fate for me.

Suddenly, just as unconsciousness was threatening to take me, Mal was being carried away and I was alone. As I always had been, as I probably always will be.

"Healer!" I heard a woman yell.

I could barely keep my eyes open anymore, the pain was overwhelming my senses.

Then it eased. I looked up to see a young Grisha in a red cloak hovering over me. "Your collar bone was shattered" she diagnosed.

I looked to my left, finally regaining my mind "Mal, where's Mal?" I asked. She continued to work and I tried to move.

"Stay still, fixing broken bones is not easy work" she urged.

"Mal, the tracker. I have to see him" I demanded.

The blonde shook her head "First Army goes to medical" she told me.

"I'm First Army!" I insisted.

"Bring her to the General's tent!" The same Grisha from before ordered.

"But I'm not finished yet" the healer protested.

The blue cloak shrugged "Then go with her" she growled, clearly losing her patience.

It was also clear that what I wanted or had to say was completely irrelevant.

The healer gently helped me to my feet and continued to mend me while we walked off of the skiff and through the camp, escorted by two Oprichniki - The Shadow Summoner's personal guard. I could barely think as I was shoved into the large tent filled with Grisha. It was my worst nightmare.

"Bring her closer"

The guards at my side pushed me into the centre of the tent and my eyes landed on the man stood in front of a table with his back to me. He was wearing all black and it didn't take a genus to recognise this was the Second Army General everyone had been talking about.

He turned to look at me and I felt my heart jump up into my throat. They knew. They knew I was the one that burned the maps. The entire cartography team was dead because of me. Everyone was dead because of me.

"Closer" he repeated. His voice was not as I expected it to be. I thought he'd sound fearsome, perhaps even vicious, but there was a softness to it. I was so baffled by his tone that I barely registered the request.

I took a small step towards him and straightened my back. I couldn't show them my fear.

"Well?" The General asked.

I frowned "Well, what?" I replied "Sir" I quickly amended.

If I didn't know any better, I'd have thought there was an amused air to his gaze. "What are you?" He questioned.

It was a strange thing to ask, shouldn't it have been obvious?

"Alina Starkov, Assistant Cartographer to the Royal Corps of Surveyors" I answered him. "They're all gone now. It's my fault. That's why I'm here isn't it" I spewed, if I were to be shot or hung, then I at least deserved to be punished by my own. By the First Army.

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