Chapter Five

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I'd decided I would wait for the post myself the next morning. Once the guards realised I wasn't a flight risk anymore, they had became a lot more lenient.

Admittedly it was strange at first, to constantly have two armed people following me wherever I went, but after a while I got used it it. In fact it had actually become quite comforting to know I was protected. Being attacked by those Fjerdans had put into perspective how dangerous it was to be Grisha let alone the only Grisha that could return Ravka to its full power.

As I had grown closer to the Oprichniki assigned to watch me I also began talking to them, especially while on my daily walks around the grounds before and after training. Many of them were quite lovely company. Some of them I even knew by name now.

Finally the sounds of a galloping horse pulled my attention away from my conversation. I walked up to the steward and chewed nervously on my bottom lip.

"Is there anything for me?" I asked.

Just as I expected, he shook his head and walked away. I sighed, that was it. I was done waiting, done wasting my time and everyone else's.

I turned back to the two guards and let out a defeated sigh, they gave me sympathetic looks and lead me back into the Little Palace. "There's always tomorrow, miss" Luz offered.

I shook my head, walking beside her "It's over, I'm too tired of the disappointment" I responded. She gave me a quick pat on the shoulder and kept walking.

As I numbly wondered the halls, memories flooded my mind. All those times with Mal that I had convinced myself meant something, I was wrong the whole time. If I had just opened my eyes sooner then I would have realised he never felt the same way I did.


Anger and determination replaced the dejection in my heart, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the palace till I was descending into Baghra's hut. I moved on instinct and summoned the sun. It came smoothly this time, flowing from me as naturally as breathing.

She smiled "Good girl" Baghra praised "now the real work can begin"

The small victory caused a chuckle to escape my mouth, at least I was finally getting some positive reinforcement. I brought my hands together and dismissed the light, proving I now had full control.

"Again" she demanded.

We spent the whole day training intensively until I could perform perfectly. It was far from easy and by the time dinner time rolled around I was utterly exhausted, but I'd made huge progress. I couldn't wait to show Kirigan how far I'd come.

"Do you know where Genya is?" I asked Marie as we finished eating.

"She's probably seeing to the queen, I can find her for you?" She offered.

I nodded "Could you tell her to come to my room when she can?" I requested.

Marie agreed and left me once dinner had come to a close to find Genya and probably Nadia too. I wondered where she had been during dinner but Marie assured me that she was probably busy flirting with one of the palace guards and forgot to attend. Part of me wished I had that confidence to go after what I wanted. Nadia never hesitated to express interest in the people she liked, it was an admirable quality.

I returned to my room with an eagerness to rest. I said goodnight to Luz and Graves as I walked in, changed out of my uniform and into the night gown I had been given. Then I settled on my bed and waited for the royal Tailor.

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