Chapter Eight

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"Baghra taught you how to use the Cut, didn't she?" I wondered, watching the country go by as Aleksander and I sat comfortably in his carriage. He'd been training me privately the past two days to use the deadly technique, ready to kill the stag. I could just about do it but needed his help every time.

Alek hummed in confirmation "She taught me everything I know, made me a hunter to provide for us and then she made me a killer in order to protect myself" he answered, his voice filled with bitter resentment "I think I finally realise I have only ever been a pawn to her. She would never explain why she insisted I learn to kill yet never approved in me using those skills to protect others of our kind. I had unknowingly been at her whim for centuries" he added.

It was positively heartbreaking that his own mother would hurt and use him like that.

"Still no word on her location?" I asked next, looking over at him sat opposite me.

He gave me a tired smile and shook his head "I'd tell you if there were" he assured. "You do trust me right?" His smile faltering as doubt poisoned his mind.

I frowned and quickly moved to sit beside him "Of course I trust you" I promised, he looked down at his hands so I placed one of mine on his cheek "Hey, look at me" I requested.

He obliged and leaned into my touch "I'm sorry" he apologised "I guess it's obvious that I'm not used to this, I'm used to people turning their backs on me and hating me"

I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his, pouring as much of my love for him into my kiss as possible. "I will never turn my back on you, Aleksander" I promised.

He smiled and kissed me back "You're the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, Alina" he whispered against my lips.

I smiled widely and kissed him once more before sitting back "So Baghra was always an abusive witch, then?" I asked rhetorically.

Alek let out a breathy chuckle and nodded "Pretty much, her methods didn't really change much over the centuries" he confirmed.

"Never occurred to her that encouragement and nurturing might work better than beating us with a cane and calling us worthless?" I theorised.

Aleksander hummed, absently fiddling with one of my hands "Maybe you'd do a better job" he suggested.

I frowned "Me?!" I asked, he nodded in response and I couldn't help a surprised laugh escape my lips "You mean, you think I should teach others to control and use their powers?" I questioned further.

"We could do it together, I'll teach you everything I know and once we have control over the country, we could turn the Little Palace into a school" he began "not only will Ravkan Grisha have a safe place to learn and grow but we can rescue Grisha from all over the world"

I didn't think it was possible to love him more but here I was, my heart swelling with adoration as Aleksander spoke about a future I never could have dreamt of.

After a while the road dissipated into an unrecognisable path so the carriage pulled to a stop and we had to continue on foot.

The sharp, cold air pinched at my cheeks and snow crunched under our boots with every step we took along the trail of faint hoof prints. As we ventured further into the depths of the forest I began to feel a strange surge of familiarity. Something like deja vu. It almost felt as if I was back in my dreams of the stag.

I ceased my steps and turned to Aleksander "I think I can feel it" I told him.

He tilted his head slightly, curiosity burning behind his eyes "Where?" He asked.

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