Chapter Thirteen

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The sickness returned again as morning broke and I climbed out of bed to dash through to the bathing room, emptying my stomach into the chamber pot. This time I didn't curse the nausea, I washed my face and smiled down at my belly.

"You certainly make mornings more eventful" I said with a chuckle. Just as I finished dressing a knock sounded at the door to the adjoining room.

"Come in" I called, fastening my boots.

"Oh good, you're up" Mal breathed as he walked in "you look better today, how are you feeling?" He asked.

I smiled at him as I straightened "I feel good" I answered honestly, now that I knew why I had been so nauseated and exhausted I couldn't be more thrilled. "Where's Ivan?" I wondered.

"He went into the town a few moments ago, said he needed to get a few things before we leave" Mal informed me, walking over and standing awkwardly.

I sighed and reached out, taking his hand in mine "I know things are a little weird between us right now but I want to fix it. I don't want to lose your friendship, Mal" I stressed. He was my oldest friend and I wanted him in my life.

He gave me a small smile and shook his head "You could never lose me, Al" he replied "you know that"

Relief flooded me and I smiled "Good, now let's go find that grumpy Heartrender so we can discuss the plan" I urged, dragging him out of the room and through the large home. We came upon Ivan speaking with Baroness Beritrova in the dining hall and the woman smiled warmly upon noticing my presence.

"Sol Koroleva, may I say you look positively radiant today, I'm so honoured to see a stay in my home has invigorated you so" she gushed, welcoming us further into the room "Please sit, my chef has just finished preparing breakfast" she urged.

I didn't really want to, I didn't feel hungry and all I really wanted to do was leave so we could catch Baghra and go home but I wasn't just responsible for myself anymore. I took a seat beside Ivan and returned Natasha's smile "Thank you, once our business has been settled here I would like to arrange a transaction with you, dear Natasha" I began.

The noble's eyes sparked with interest and she leaned forward slightly in her chair "Of course, anything you need, Sol Koroleva, it's yours" she assured.

"I wish to purchase a horse for my future husband as a wedding present, your finest race horse in fact, do you think that can be arranged?" I asked as our food was brought in, of course if I had asked I have no doubt that the Baroness would have given me the horse with no question but the town of Caryeva was in clear need of financial support, as was much of our kingdom. Luckily we will have a king that loves his people and abhors greed. Aleksander had already sold the majority of the Crown Jewels that had been gained through barbarism and was using the profit to rebuild. Part of said profit was mine. Caryeva was just the beginning, next would be Velisyana, then Keramzin and the rest of Ravka that had been forgotten by our previous leaders.

The Baroness grinned brightly and nodded "Of course! I can take you to see our finest pure breads as soon as this evening" she enthused.

I nodded too and began to eat, the sooner we had finished breakfast, the sooner we could head out. Baghra would be mine today, she will pay for all that she had done.

Before long, Ivan, Mal and myself were in the stables and preparing our horses. "So my plan is pretty simple, Mal you're our bait" I began to explain "Ivan and I will protect you from cover while you call out to Baghra. We need you to tell her that you managed to escape after stabbing Kirigan and that you need her help to get me away from the Palace"

Mal hummed dubiously "What do I do when she doesn't come to me?" he asked.

"If she doesn't come out of hiding, then Ivan will race out as if he had been chasing you since your escape and pretend to take you down. Baghra might be a careful and weary old bitch but there is no chance she would let her only pawn slip through her fingers" I answered.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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