Chapter Four

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Weeks had passed. Weeks of vigorous training and writing countless letters to Mal. I hadn't received a single one in response.

I absently traced the scar on my palm and wondered if he really did hate me. Genya checked with the death ledgers and assured me Mal was still alive, so why hadn't he written me back?

A knock at my door broke me from my thoughts "Come in!" I called.

Genya strode into the room holding a garment bag and boots. "Morning sunshine" she greeted.

I sat up, kneeling on the bed excitedly "Have any letters arrived?" I asked, like I had every other morning.

Genya gave me a sympathetic look and shook her head "No" she told me.

The hope drained from me and I sat back down, watching her walk around to the side of my bed. "I'm going horse riding?" I assumed, recognising the boots upon closer inspection.

Genya nodded "With General Kirigan" she replied.

My pulse jumped at the prospect of talking to the General again. I'd only caught glimpses of him since my presentation to the King but he always gave me an encouraging smile, even when he looked as if he was drowning in stress. At this point I was starting to think all the things I'd heard about him were just vicious rumours. I pushed the thought from my mind and shook my head "I need to train, not be trotted around town" I protested while Genya placed everything down "The sooner I can do what I need to do the sooner I can get back to-"

"Your life?" Genya interrupted me, she sighed and sat down "This is your life now, Alina"

I sighed too and looked down "Yeah, my life" except it wasn't mine anymore. "Where Zoya is waiting to squall me into a wall or an open fire pit"

"She's off the palace grounds" Genya told me. "Didn't you hear? General Kirigan sent her away to reassess her priorities"

Kirigan did that?

I smiled a little and Genya stood "Come on, you don't want to keep him waiting" she urged.

I rolled my eyes "Saints forbid" I mumbled before looking over at her with wide eyes "Why? Is he angry?" I asked. The thought of that made my stomach tighten into knots.

My friend smiled at me and lifted the kefta she'd brought in from the garment bag, I looked at it and gasped "This might do the trick" she beamed.

"Black is his colour" I noted, running my fingers over the soft embroidered fabric.

I couldn't lie, I was tempted. But instead, I insisted on wearing my regular blue kefta just as every other Etherealki wore. No sense in drawing even more attention to myself lest I earn more enemies in Zoya's absence.

Once I was dressed I made my way out to the front of the Little Palace where Kirigan was waiting for me.

"Morning" he greeted softly.

I had almost forgotten that comforting tone to his voice. Perhaps that was why so many of the Grisha here adored him. Perhaps that was just one among many reasons.

"Morning" I replied.

He gave me a small but warm smile, gesturing to the white horse beside his black one. I walked over to it, watching him pull his jacket off and hand it to the servant.

"You're not wearing your kefta" I observed.

"Did you not like the colour I chose for you?" He asked.

I glanced at the horse in front of me, gently stroking its neck. He had chosen the black for me? I thought Genya had in order to please him. Part of me wished I'd worn it now.

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