Chapter Two

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The Little Palace was actually kind of beautiful up close, though I'd deny it if I were ever asked.

"You'll be safe here, the Palace is the most secure building in the country" General Kirigan promised me. "I made sure of it" he stopped outside the doorway where two guards were waiting and I frowned.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

He looked to the guards behind me and I felt that hopelessness returning. "Take her to the vezda suite" he ordered.

"Am I a prisoner?" I asked as Kirigan began to walk away.

He stopped and looked back at me "All of Ravka, of us, are prisoners until you and I banish the Fold" he replied, then he nodded to the guard and swiftly left.

I was lead through the lavish halls of the Little Palace until we reached a room. The room I was to be kept in. I wondered into it and the guards shut the doors behind me.

I was so sick of being on my own but at least being alone meant I could stop pretending.

The events of the day overwhelmed me and I fell to my knees, finally letting the tears that I'd been repressing break through the surface. I wrapped my arms around myself and sobbed.

After a little while my emotions calmed and I regained my senses. I need to pull myself together and find something to protect myself with.

I quickly looked around and stood up, walking over to the curtained doorway furthest from me, behind it laid a large bathing room. Nothing useful in here. I returned and looked through the wardrobes, nothing but old clothes. Next the vanity, I opened the right drawer and groaned in exasperation, still nothing. As I rooted through the left draw I saw something shining. With newfound hope I pulled out a letter opener and sighed in relief, it's small but sharp blade would do nicely. Ironic how the weapon I once used to defend Mal back at the orphanage, would be what I used now to defend myself. I hid it under my pillow and sat down on the luxurious bed. The sheets were silk just like the General's handkerchief, they were soft and beautiful like spun gold.

I didn't belong here. I was rough and dirty and common. I never thought I'd long for the itchy, thick First Army cots I'd been sleeping on most of my life.

Night began to fall and there was still no word from anyone, General Kirigan hadn't returned for me nor had any guard and my exhausted eyes began to droop closed. Finally I pulled off the stif and uncomfortable kefta with a grunt and stripped down to my under layer. I climbed into the large bed and couldn't help my mind wondering back to Mal yet again, I always thought of him in times of stress. I wondered if he was okay, if he hated me. Maybe he thought I had been lying to him all this time. I wouldn't blame him if he did, I probably would have thought the same if I were in his shoes. I closed my eyes and remembered that day all those years ago when we were hiding in our meadow. Wishing I was holding his hand now, wishing I had that simplicity again.


I awoke with a start the next morning, images of a large stag with intricate antlers plaguing my mind.

Morozova's Stag.

The doors to my room opened and multiple women adorned in white waltzed through them.

"Saints" a woman with red hair breathed as she looked at me "have you ever bathed?" She asked.

Well that was a little uncalled for.

"And what happened to your face?" She wondered.

My hand raised to my lip and I felt a hard scab, damage from when the Fjerdan hit me.

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