Chapter Twelve

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Finally Caryeva was within sight, our early start this morning had been fortuitous, we were able to make it to our destination just as night began to fall.

"Time for the hoods, we can't risk Alina being recognised or this whole mission will be blown" Ivan said as we pulled to a stop just on the outskirts of the woods. The plan was to don our hooded coats before we entered the town and then Mal would approach the estate before Ivan and I, he would be carrying a letter for the Baroness with my royal seal stating that we were here but needed to remain unseen so that we could capture the treasonous villain that had escaped us.

Once we were all disguised I pulled the letter I had written this morning whilst Mal and Ivan packed up, out of my saddle bag and handed over to the tracker. He took it with a dutiful nod and rode ahead while Ivan and I trotted at a leisurely pace. The letter specified for the Baroness to let us in through the gardens so that no one would see us. We had time to get there since Mal had to deliver the letter and then wait for confirmation that the Baroness had read it.

"How are you feeling?" Ivan asked, as we climbed from our horses and lead them through the surprisingly busy town.

"I'm fine" I dismissed, my mind still reeling from all the new questions I had been presented with.

"I can check, if you'll allow me" Ivan offered. I paused and chewed nervously on my bottom lip. I really wasn't sure whether I could handle the answer either way right now. Although this might be the only chance I have to discuss it while Mal wasn't with us.

Just as I was considering my options I caught sight of a well dressed man stood on the edge of the large estate at the centre of town glancing around with a lantern in his hand. He was looking for us, thank the saints I didn't have to decide.

"That's our cue" I said, nudging Ivan and nodding ahead.

The blonde hummed in agreement though still kept his eyes on me as we walked around to the hidden back gate where the man was waiting, as we approached the servant gasped and bowed his head "Pravdívyj tsaritsa" he greeted in hushed murmur. The true queen. He gladly took the reins of our steeds, assuring Ivan and I that they would be taken to the Baroness's stables. "Madame Beritrova awaits you in the garden, Sankta Sol" he added, opening the gate for Ivan and I.

I thanked the man in Old Ravkan as it seemed he was most comfortable speaking such and ventured through the arch cut into thick and tall hedge that surrounded the large home.

"If you change your mind, Sol Koroleva, just say the word" Ivan whispered to me, clearly I wasn't escaping the notion of being with child any time soon but for now I didn't have to think about it.

"Your highness, what an unexpected honour!" Natasha exclaimed once Ivan and I had joined her and Mal waiting outside the servants entrance.

I smiled wearily and nodded, glancing around to make sure no one had noticed them nor had they gained any prying eyes. "I do apologise for my sudden visit, as I explained in my letter, we seem to be chasing a fugitive into your barony" I recapped.

Natasha shook her head and waved us into her home "It's my pleasure to be of assistance to you, Sankta Alina" she assured "whatever you need, you shall have. I've instructed my cook to begin preparing our dinner at once, I hear from my lady's maid that you're quite partial to poultry, is that true?" She enthused, of course I would prefer not to be caught in the insipid gossip between nobles and their right hands but Baroness Beritrova had been the most down to earth of the nobles I had met so far so this was the lesser of two evils.

I gave a fake but light chuckle and nodded "You heard correctly, but please don't trouble yourself. I'm sure whatever you have will be lovely" I attempted to explain, after all I had been used to common food my whole life and so despite Aleksander attempting to spoil me I was not a picky eater.

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