Invincible II

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Space is so beautiful.

After years of training, learning to become the best captain you could be. Here you were, about to embark on a wonderful journey to man your very own ship. The crew had been shortlisted, a very short list at that, to help you in your hopefully safe journey to build a new colony.

You stood proudly in the small transportation ship, listening to the pilot blabber on and on about that an honour it was to finally meet you. Hours passed before you finally reached the ship. It was huge. It was almost intimidating to look at. Also very expensive to fix if something went wrong.

"Shuttle Marmota, you're clear to dock." The voice over the intercom was choppy. You approached loading dock 4 and began to make your way towards the door exiting onto your brand new ship.

The door opened. There stood your faithful companion throughout the rest of your journey. Mark.

He was the Head Engineer and had been running the ship before you had arrived. He stood there with an almost angelic glow around him. Various crew shuffling about behind him. Some of them hurt or simply chatting. What had happened before you arrived?

"Welcome aboard the Invincible II Captain." He extended a hand out to greet you. You shook his hand in response giving a gentle smile. "Glad to have you here. Took you long enough. But let me give you the grand tour before we embark. This is my pride and joy." You both began walking through the long corridors of the ship, passing various crew members. Mark looked so proud of the ship and everything, and everyone on it.

You both stepped into a small room and got sterilised before entering the main ship.

"First stop the warp core. The heart and soul of the ship. Still not 100% sure how it works, but you don't need to know how something works in order to use it." You stood quietly observing everything happening around you. Various crew members in lab coats attempting to work the machine looked towards you and saluted you.

Mark began telling you about the first ship and how this one would be nothing near as disaterous as the first one.

"If anything goes wrong we can detonate these explosives and separate the warp core from the rest of the ship." He imitated an explosion sound. The look of joy on his face reminded you of a child who was experiencing a new toy for the first time.

"Let's hope nothing goes wrong then Mark."

"You can count on it captain. And if anything does go wrong. I got your back. Besides I have yet to meet a problem that can't be solved with explosives."

You both stepped through a doorway into the main reactor room. Mark once again told you that the warp core was basically powered by a star. The room was a bright, vibrant orange. The main reactor room itself was huge and behind a big panel of glass.

"Built like a tank too." He hit his hand against the main panel and small spark flew out of it, the screen glitching. You chose to simply ignore this because it couldn't have done that much damage. Could it?

You were greeted by Burt, who pulled down the shutters across the panel of glass, now hiding the reactor. You then stepped into the Cryo room. A crew member passed through, clearly injured. Mark awkward said hi to them before returning to what he was saying.

"The colonists are prepped, stable and ready for transit. Systems are working at 110% too. Which is a little weird but overkill never hurts." You looked into the Cryo room. It looked endless. All the Cryo tanks lined up next to each other. It was a big job having to make sure they were all safe and accounted for. You turned back to Mark who was now engaging in conversation with a crew member who was fully snow suited up. "CC"

"Asshat" she retorted, then proceeding to tell you that everything was as it should be and they were ready to get moving as soon as you were ready. Another corridor to walk down.

This time you passed multiple crew members who saluted you and watched you and Mark walk past. A tall man wearing all white, and what looked like ammo walked out of the ADS room.

"Don't worry Captain. No asteroids getting by me. You can count on that." He walked over to the unsuspecting Mark and slapped him on his butt. Practically sending Mark into orbit. Again.

Co-workers bumped into each other, and yourself as you continued to pass through the never ending corridors. Eventually you caught up with Mark who had walked ahead of you, thinking you were directly behind him. He made the final checks on life support before guiding you towards a door.

"All that's left now ... If for you to say the word." The door in front of you opened to reveal the entire crew standing in a group with glasses ready for you to make your first speech as Captain. "Try not to get them too excited captain. I know how your speeches can get people riled up."

"Mark I don't know if I can do this."

"Of course you can. You're the captain." You shrugged at him, not knowing what to say. "Look, I've known you a long time and there is no-one I trust more. You got this." He smiled warmly at you. You turned back to the crew and cleared your throat.


Of course...



"Ah, it's alright Captain. I'm sure you'll make a great speech once we get there." He downed both his and your drinks, readjusting his hat.

You made your way towards your CRYO-POD, turning back to Mark who was about to get into his own.

"Oh and I forgot to mention, it's not a problem, of course, but before you go to sleep, be absolutely sure, do not-" his CRYO-POD closed. You quickly got into your own, closing the door behind you, it locking shut as you did.

The computer began to countdown from ten. With each number you body became more relaxed and cold. Before you knew it, you were asleep. Now in a peaceful slumber, finally on your way to building a new colony with the best of the best.

What could possibly go wrong?

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