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where did i go wrong?
ive lost everything.
my sanity,
my friends,
my will to live.
why doesnt anyone
love me?
whenever i try to
be good,
im just hated more.
i try to be like able,
i try so hard.
i dont know if im not
trying hard enough,
or if im trying too hard.
maybe i should
stop trying completely
because im unlovable.

i just dont want to be
i need someone to
care about me.
i need someone to
hold me and tell me
that it's going to be okay
because of all these
real reasons,
not bullshit that i
cannot stand.
i need someone to
i dont just want it -
i need it.
i need it to live.
i need it to survive.
whats the point of living
if you dont
have anything to
live for?

-Loss and Gain by me

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