Her Smile

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June 7, 2019

She seemed at peace,

Completely at comfort, 

Without a care in the world

For the rat race around her.

I wanted to ask how she did it,

How she could so easily detach herself 

From this horrid chaos

That controls everyone I know. 

But she was too far to reach

And I lost my chance.

I haven't seen her since

That one rainy day in the city. 

A random girl in a hospital gown

That walked with no umbrella

But a smile on her face

I may not know who she is,

Or what type of life she lead, 

But there isn't a day that goes by

When I don't think of 

Her carefree smile.

That one specific day

I had been thinking of death,

Planning mine out,

But she stopped me

With her enlightening smile.

I haven't seen any joy

Since her departure. 

I've been met with too many frowns and scowls

And long ago, they pushed me down,

But I've only been soaring

After seeing her uplifting smile.

I wish to thank her

For showing me a glimpse

Of true happiness

And giving me hope 

To live for tomorrow.

Maybe she was an angel, 

Because I saw heaven in her godly smile. 

And the hell I live in

Melted away for a moment. 

It can't be possible for a mere mortal to hold that much power.

She gave me a gift

Through her enchanting smile

And it's one I wish to pass on to others.

I've been trying recently 

To find my own smile

So that I may share it

Like she did hers.

I often think about her influence on me. 

She saved my life that day

With so little effort. 

She gave me a new beginning

With her inspirational smile.

There was an article on the news lately

About a rare illness

That the doctors couldn't cure,

And a young woman had passed away. 

They've publicized the event

To raise money and awareness. 

And below the article

Was a picture of a girl 

With an unforgettable smile

She continues to live on in my memories. 

Every cent that I had saved up for my own selfish desires

Is now spent in research for the cure of her illness.

Because maybe, just maybe,

She can see me from up in heaven

And smile down upon my efforts.

I fell in love with her breathtaking smile.

And I like to imagine 

That there is someone out there

Who has fallen in love with mine.

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