At First Sight

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September 5, 2019

I don't believe in love at first sight.

Because you can't love someone until

You know them better than you know yourself,

You're willing to destroy the entire universe for their sake,

You would unquestionably go to hell and back just to see them smile.

And that doesn't happen at first sight.

Love is when oxygen becomes trivial,

When time loses its meaning,

When life gains its purpose

And that doesn't happen at first sight.

Love is placing more importance on someone else

Forgetting your struggles and pains by simply thinking about them

Feeling empathetic in situations that you would've hardly cared about prior 

And that doesn't happen at first sight.

Love is changing yourself to be better,

Giving your everything without thinking of reimbursement,

Willingly going above and beyond,

And taking risks out of your comfort zone,

And that doesn't happen at first sight.

Love changes you in ways 

that you could've never imagined possible

Love gives you things 

that you could've never imagined possible

Hold onto love, and never let go

Protect it, cherish it, embrace it

Because it doesn't happen at first sight

And once you find it, 

The adventure has just begun.

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