My Sunflower

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May 13, 2022

I did not want to feel her lips against my own

Neither did I want to hold her soft curves 

And touch her with my bare skin

I would not ever run my fingers through her silky hair

Or lose myself in those gorgeous eyes

Those gorgeous eyes

Yet still, I love her

She is the most beautiful person among any crowd

The brightest light in every room 

Simply seeing her energizes me

I hang on to her every word

And laugh at all of her jokes

I care for her in the way that a bird lover does not own cages

I long for her without wanting to consume or possess

She is the sea to my sailor, the sky to my pilot

I bathe in her warmth

I bask in her glow

I am doomed to wither in her absence 

But I am only glad to see her go

Content that I've had the chance to love her as so many others will

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