Outside My Window

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November 18, 2019

Feeling bored, I looked out the window

Only to notice that,

Straight across from me,

There she was

Sitting serenely by her window, 

Smiling sweetly as she worked.

I'd seen her captivating face several times before

But never had the courage or opportunity to approach her

And pour my feelings out.

It had always been a fleeting moment

But this time was different,

This time neither of us were on our way elsewhere.

The sunlight was hitting her face at the perfect angle

Making her seem as if she glowed,

Highlighting the angelic features

That echoed her personality. 

Her kindness and intelligence were incomparable

Yet she never boasted about her superior talents. 

Her stature and build were utterly flawless

But she never once discriminated against lesser individuals.

Her large, round glasses only accentuated her silvery doe eyes,

And cute, button nose. 

Her auburn hair was always messily styled,

But it perfectly complimented her pale, smooth skin.

She was a delicate beauty, a hidden gem,

The epitome of perfection.

I engrained her image in my mind

Afraid that I might lose this precious memory.

I hadn't processed that hours had gone by,

The entire day was almost over

And all I had done was ogle and stare 

At the pretty girl outside my window

Like some wanton creep.

If only she knew, I wouldn't have the slightest chance with her.

Neither if I continued to sit here, 

rotting away behind my window.

The overwhelming urge to confess 

Consumed my thoughts as I drafted a heartfelt poem

Pairing it with a flower from the tree branch outside my window, 

I took off in the direction of her room. 

Whether these feelings are reciprocated or not, 

I won't let my cowardice stab me in the back.

It's better to regret what's been done 

Than to be forever plagued by the what ifs.

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