Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Today Jen was awake. She awoke to me sitting by her bedside reading my book and listening to music. I noticed a faint smile on her face when I looked up from my book.

  " Good morning sleeping beauty," I said with a smile on my face.

"Glad to see you have awoken from your deep slumber," I said sarcastically.

With a groggy groan, she tried to speak but her voice was hoarse and scratchy. It had only been 24hrs since they took her off the vent. She couldn't speak and I told her not to strain her voice.

The doctor said the experimental drug is helping her cognitive ability to get stronger. She may never be able to walk again but it's helping with her pain and her fatigue. They have reduced her chemo and radiation. Which is a good sign. The drugs seem to be helping.

She's since been moved to a private room and is no longer in the ICU. There's talk of her going home. The doctor is hopeful. But she will need around-the-clock care. Something I know her mom won't be able to do independently. I volunteered to move in with her so that I could help with her care when I'm home. The doctor has suggested an in-home nurse which will cost them lots of money. I told her mom I'd do anything to help them out. No matter what! Jen was my best friend, my sister!

All of a sudden the monitors started to beep very loudly. Jen started twitching. Shaking maybe. I didn't know what was going on! "Code 10 Code 10, she's seizing!" I heard one nurse scream. "Get a doctor here stat!"

They shoved me out of the room. Before they kicked me out, I grabbed her hand and told her I'd never leave her. I saw her eyes go to the back of her head. Her mom came from the cafeteria crying. "Oh Stacey, what happened?" she asked. Tears staining her now sunken eyes and cheeks.

"I, I don't know, one minute she was holding my hand the next she started twitching. The machines went wild and the doctors came in and shoved me out." I managed to say that all in one breath. My eyes welled up with tears. My heart is hurting as I feel the end is near.

All I can do is plead with the higher-ups. Please, please just a few more months. Please give us that. Please!! I'm not ready for this yet. I'm not ready to lose her! I Plead.

When you meet someone like Jen, a best friend, a sister, you never stop to think anything could or would happen to her. Or to you even. As children, you live in this fantasy world where nothing can harm you. Nothing can give you pain. Not even the things of the world that you don't understand.

Once you meet that special friend don't ever let her go. Don't ever be mad over stupid things. Don't ever let anything ruin that friendship. You never know what day will be your last. Stay close to her. Make every day count.  

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