Chapter 4

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When I got there I wasn't allowed to see her. She had suffered an acute heart attack due to the chemo making her body weak. Her heart is getting weaker as the days go by. I'm getting scared by the minute. Jen is my best friend. I can't lose her. Her mom and I were holding hands in the waiting room. The doctor came out to talk to us. "We gave her some medicine to strengthen her heart. We can't guarantee it will work. She's stable for now." "I do have to tell you the cancer is progressing faster than we were expecting." "She only has a few months left." The doctor went to talk to Jen's mom about some experimental drug that could give her some more time. It was a 50-50 chance.

I kept thinking about what the future could hold. How I'd move on without her. I was so scared. Eventually we were led back to the icu room where she'd been moved to after her heart attack. She'd been hooked up to a breathing machine to help her breath. They put her in a temporary comma. It's to help her body recover. All the tubes and cords and wires made her look like a totally different person. Her milky white skin, now pale and gray due to cancer. Her bandana covered her hairless head.Oh how I miss the days of when she was happy and healthy. We'd laugh and giggle and talk about boys and our parents. Back when it was just us and the world.

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