Chapter Two

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It was the last day of summer. I was sitting in same dark gloomy spot in the library. Listening to my favorite band The Giggling hyenas. An off the wall grunge band from NYC.

Spending most of my summer in the library, like I usually do, most of the librarians got to know me pretty well. Today I was reading the newest novel by Cast and Crowns called Jack Frost. A sci fi killer book about man on a hunt of revenge on his ex wife. Dark I know.... Just like me.

As I was chilling and relaxing, I suddenly got a text from Jen. MEET ME IN THE TOWN SQUARE. NEED TO TALK.

OK I replied.

Like I said before Jen was more outgoing than me. She likes people, I hated them. She was blond hair blue eyes and full of color. I was burgundy hair, green eyes, glasses and always dark. How we have anything in common is beyond me. The town square was her favorite place to hang and meet. I dealt with its colorful flowers and green grass and all the happy trees. About the only place chaos hasn't touched only because the court house was on it also. Security Guards everywhere. Nice place if you like those kinds of things.

So I walked the four blocks to the square.

I met Jen on our usual bench in the town square.

Her usually happy go lucky face, looked gloomy, and gray. Under all that blonde hair.

"What's the matter? " I asked

"I I have something to tell you," she said in a quivering voice.

"Ok what? It can't be that bad"

"Stacey this is serious."

She grabbed my hand and looked at me with the most serious of expressions, "I just found out I have skin cancer."

At first, I didn't know what to say. Or how to react, or what to think.

For a few months now I known she's been going to the doctors alot I just didn't think anything of it.
When I'd ask she told me she just wasn't feeling well. So I'd be a good friend and get her homework for her. People get sick. It happens.

But not like this.....

When you are growing up you never think of anything like this happen to you or someone close to you. Its the last thing you think of.

"Are you sure? I mean doctors could be wrong. " I said in disbelief.
"Stacey I'm sorry but no." She said with tears coming down her face. "Its skin Cancer." The doctors said I can take chemo and have a chance to beat it. " She seemed hopeful of this.

So we decided that no matter what I'd be there for her. Because that's how a good friend is. Her and I are like sisters!

When we we're younger like 6 or 7 yrs old, we became blood sisters. I got my finger and she cut hers just enough for our fingers to intertwine together. Now ten yrs later that hasn't changed.

I spent the next three months going to school, going to appointments, and spending most of my afternoons with Jen. Each day was different, some days Jen went to school and it all seemed ok at least in the first month, but then the chemo started to wear her down. Make her tired. She spent most of her days sleeping. So I'd go to school, pick up her homework and go to see Jen every day after school. Some days she'd be awake and we'd watch a movie or read a book together, or id push her around in her wheelchair. Others she'd be asleep and I'd sit next to her and talk to her and read stories.

At 17 you never think that you would be helping your best friend get better. You never think anything like this happens to anyone close to you.

Until it does.

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