Chapter one

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When were young we have an idea of how we want life to be. Some think of life as a fairy tale, the perfect guy, the perfect wedding the perfect kids. Others go the reality route, graduate high school, college, career, marriage, kids success! Then there's those who honestly don't care where their life is going.

In school at some point we get asked what do we want to be when we grow up? Even though it changes thousands of times as we get older, the thought is still there we ALL WANT TO GROW UP!

Then there's me. In some cases I did want to grow up because I was sick of school. Kids teased me. Teachers resented me and i honestly was ready to be on my own.

To start a new chapter in my life.....or at least I thought I was......

Hi Im Stacey and this is my story,

I was 17, on the brink of dropping out of my alternative school. My grades sucked and I just didn't care. i was on the path of destruction. My parents got divorced when I was 7, my father stop seeing me when I was 10. He chose to move to mexico with his new girlfriend and i've never heard from him since. I am an only child. My mom works 2 jobs, during the day she's a waitress, and a night well she dances, if you get the picture. We live in a small community just outside of the city of Chicago, called Shayville or as i call it Shitsville! There's nothing the town can give. Sometimes I think it's worse than Chicago, drugs, sex, looting , violence, it's everywhere. It's a community of 2000 people and a school of 1200 kids. Located 30 min from the Chicago city lines.

Most of the time the only sanity there is from the chaos is at the town library. I am what you would call a goth nerd. I keep to myself and i'm always wearing black. I have one best friend who is mostly opposite of me. But her and I have grown up together. Almost like sisters. Shes smart and outgoing, she's had the perfect life, perfect family, something I've always been Jealous about. She has stood by me no matter what life has brought me. Until it brought me this.....

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