Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Her service was beautiful. Just how she would have liked it. It was in the biggest church in town. Lots of beautiful, colorful flowers. The sun shone through the beautiful stained-glass windows. The ceiling was high and arched. It was the grandest church I've ever been in. I had never been to this church before. The only church I'd ever been in was the catholic church when I was a little girl. I don't remember much of it. That small church doesn't compare to this one.

The service lasted about an hour. Beautiful music. Wonderful speeches. Her mom had asked me to make a speech. I felt embarrassed. I didn't know what I was going to say at first. But I ended up coming up with something.

Jenny was my best friend. A true friend. A sister. She and I grew up together. You could never get us apart. She had my back and I had hers. When we were little, we decided to become "blood sisters. Although you would have never thought of her and I would have anything in common. We shared lots. Shared lots of secrets. Lots of enjoyment. She was special to me. As I'm sure she was to you. My best friend. My sister, my hero. She left us in peace. She wanted us to be at peace also. She wanted us to let her go and be free so she could fly high with the angels. So, here's to you Jen, Fly high my angel friend. Fly high.  

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